Want to Change the World? Change Yourself First – The Rest Will Follow

We, humans, are extremely fascinating. On the one hand, we may believe that a single person cannot make a difference in the world. We think that a single person recycling materials, using less water, eating less meat or making a small donation, will not solve anything. But on the other hand, history has shown that it is always the individual that does incredible things. One person can lead thousands or even millions of people. Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates and a countless amount of others are all examples of how an individual can make a huge difference in the world.

Unfortunately though, if you look more deeply into human behavior, it is obvious that we prefer controlling and changing others, as opposed to changing ourselves. We can dictate, but we rarely listen. So does this really create the changes that we so much we need in the world?


This post is not about politics, nor my vision of the truth. I simply want to share with you the fact that you too can change the world if you wish to.

We are all unique human beings with unique characters and a unique set of skills. We may have the same or similar tools, but we all will use them differently. And that’s what allows us to make all the difference in the world.

Many people do not recognize just of how much they are capable. Instead, they are focused on all the things that they cannot do or that someone else can do better. When I coach other people, there is a pattern that I often see – people having limiting beliefs about themselves that, as a consequence, limit their lives.

To help someone gain the understanding that they can change the world, I always say that the key element is awareness.

When you are aware of who you are deep down, what you are really capable of, it becomes so much easier to see through the fog. That is when you begin to realize that you have actually achieved so many things in life, but you just have taught yourself to undervalue them. That is when the realization comes that you are capable to change the world.

Recommended read: 6 Real Reasons to Keep a Daily Journal – Living in Awareness

Opinion and truth

Instead of changing from the inside, many of us believe that we can change the world by forcing our ideas and opinions onto others. But for some reason, we fail to understand that our opinions are not the truth.

Opinions are our beliefs that we have created based on life experiences. And just because we have these opinions, it does not mean that others will find them beneficial. In fact, the opinions that we may falsely believe to be true, might even be holding ourselves back.

When one becomes more aware, they will realize that personal opinions do not belong to anyone else, unless they share those opinions and beliefs with you. This makes the whole idea of forcing your beliefs on others irrational and wrong.

Make your bed first

Admiral William H. McRaven, in his speech at the University of Texas, said: “If you want to change the world, start off with making your bed.”

Many people focus solely on changing the world through others. But oftentimes, it is them that need to change first. How can you lead others and change the world if you don’t have your own life under full control? Are we really that perfect to go and judge others, to tell them how to live their lives?

Admiral McRaven continues: “If you can’t do the little things right, you’ll never be able to do the big things right.” I think there is a lot of wisdom in his words, do you?

Focus on yourself

If you truly want to change the world, never focus on what other people are doing, unless you are using it for inspiration. Too many of us in the world compare ourselves with others, which never leads to anything good. Saying, “I will never be able to be like that” or “it’s too late for me to change” will not serve you in any way because:

1. How do you really know this is true? You won’t know until you have made an attempt.

2. You don’t have to be like anyone else. Be like yourself. You are unique.

change the world 2

The idea is to change yourself, to become the better version of you every day.

By growing and developing, you will not only be helping yourself, but you will also be helping others by being an example of success to them. People will notice this, and they will follow you if that is what they want. This is truly how you influence people and change the world.

I have been a vegetarian since I was 18, but I have never pushed my beliefs about vegetarianism onto others. Yet, some of the people that I have had in my life have become vegetarian or greatly cut down on eating meat, simply because they have observed how easy it is for me to live without meat.

Changing the world by changing others will never be possible. Anything done with force will never last because we are all fundamentally different and all have the desire to choose what we want in life.

Recommended read: Am I Living or Am I Alive? – The Question You Must Ask Yourself at Least Once

It doesn’t matter what you do, whether you are a professional athlete, entrepreneur, singer or are living the most ordinary life – if you make the decision to change the world in some way, you have the potential to do so. Just start off by changing yourself.

Improve first, and then you will be able to improve the lives of others. Don’t discourage yourself by thinking that you cannot help the entire world. Shift your mindset and your approach. If only you were to help one person, and everyone else would do the same, the world that we live in would be a completely different place.

Thank you for stopping by and good luck!

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1 Comment

  1. What does changing the world mean to you?

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