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6 Rules of How to Stop Playing Video Games and Get Shit Done

Let’s face it, playing games can be a pretty fun way to spend time. They help us relax and forget about problems, and in certain cases, they motivate us to use logical and creative thinking, both of which are beneficial in life. So why not continue to play then?

Well, playing games in itself is not wrong. But if you’ve come over to this article, chances are, you play a bit more than you’d like to and it’s preventing you from getting anything done. This problem is especially common today when quality games are not only found on computers and video games consoles, but also on our smartphones, which are with us practically wherever we go.


10 Steps to Achieve Goals Faster and with Better Results

Setting goals for yourself is one of the most effective tools that you can use to make positive changes in life. However, even then there are certain things you can do to either improve that tool or make it worse. In addition, goals can be completed in a very efficient way, or they can, as it often happens, be completely abandoned. Fortunately, the latter can be avoided if approached in a smart way.


5 Reasons Why I Am Ok with Making Mistakes: Overcoming Adversity

Let’s face it, making mistakes and overcoming adversity can feel horrible at times, especially if the mistake is of large scale. Because of this, we are often too afraid to make that first step forward. The fear can hold us back and prevent us from making the so-needed changes in life.

But what if you knew that you couldn’t fail? What if you could see adversity from a different angle? How would you act then? Would the fear of doing something wrong still have such an impact on you?


5 Reasons Why I Wake up at 4 AM and Absolutely Love It

Learning to wake up early on a daily basis can be difficult, especially for those that are so used to staying up late. But just like with many of life’s challenges, there are reasons why we choose to do so. In the case of getting up early, there are benefits that can strongly outweigh any of the discomfort caused by the early rise.

In my case, I learned to wake up a 4 AM and I absolutely love it! It’s become life-changing for me. Below I share my experience of why I do it and what you can expect if you choose to do the same.


7 Tips on How to Develop Self-Discipline and Have More Success

It is said that in order to accomplish great things in life, we must constantly be learning and acquiring new skills. And while that is true, it is not all. Many people tend to leave out the fact that without consistency and persistence, acquired knowledge won’t give you much. It is the effort that you put in over long periods of time that will make the difference. It is the ability to make mistakes, to not give up and to keep working hard that will separate you from everyone else. So as you probably can guess, self-discipline is the key here.