In this post, I would like to talk about how to use affirmations to create the life of your dreams.
The reason why I use such a strong statement – the life of your dreams – is because I truly believe in the power of affirmations. As a matter of fact, I can’t imagine my life and all of the things that I have been able to accomplish so far without affirmations. Affirmations to success are like oxygen is to life.
You are probably aware that every single action in life, excluding reflexes, begins with a thought. If we want to pick up our hand, we first need to make the decision to do so. Of course, while smaller actions are completed in the blink of an eye, the more complicated ones need more time and mental effort.
For example, sometimes when we feel really comfortable, lying on the bed wrapped in a blanket, it may be challenging to get up and go to the toilet, even when we really need to. But, sooner or later, pressure to the bladder helps us to overcome the laziness.
This is a rather clear and straightforward example, something that we all can relate to from time to time. But what about the more challenging tasks?