The 10 Main Differences of Successful People Vs. Unsuccessful People

Have you ever wondered what makes successful people so successful? Why is it that some people, no matter how hard they try, never seem to have any major success, while others have plenty of it? You could imagine that they were born with a set of special skills that others don’t have, or that they were born into a family with plenty of extra cash.

Of course, we could guess all day long, but the truth is that when we came to this planet, we all lacked the skills and knowledge we have today. Every single successful businessman and businesswoman once was a total novice with absolutely zero understanding of the things they are best at this day. We all once had to learn to walk and talk.

Moreover, the majority of millionaires are not movie stars, singers, athletes or people that have inherited their wealth. No, most of them are actually self-made millionaires, people that gradually built their success from the ground up.

As a result, we can’t help but wonder, what exactly do successful people do differently that separates them from the rest? What are those differences of successful people vs. unsuccessful people? By knowing them, we can choose to do less of what unsuccessful people do, and do more of what successful people do. By imitating the behavior and learning from the ones that already have what we are after, we dramatically increase the chances of our own success.

10 Main Differences of Successful People Vs. Unsuccessful People

1. “I want to learn as much as I can” vs. “I know it all”.

The first successful people vs. unsuccessful people difference is all about learning.

Succesful people never stop learning. They understand that the only way to keep improving in life and making better results is by acquiring new knowledge.

Recommended read: What Is the Law of Attraction and How to Use It to Achieve Anything You Desire

Whether it is a book, educational program, a course or a mentor, it doesn’t matter. As long as it teaches you something you don’t yet know, you are making progress. This is also the reason why successful people have no troubles shifting their opinions about certain things and why they are able to adapt so well to changes. If you learn today something you didn’t know yesterday, then why stick to old and no longer valid beliefs?

On the other hand, unsuccessful people are very stiff. They prefer to think that they already know it all, which is why they automatically close themselves off from new knowledge, which is why they fall behind those that are willing to put time into their education.

2. “I am responsible” vs. “they are responsible”.

Succesful people are responsible people. Right from the beginning, they know that if they don’t take their lives under control, no one else will do it for them. They don’t blame their bosses, they don’t blame the economy, government, weather and the people around them.

Instead, successful people work hard, and when things go right in their life, they give themselves credit for it. However, when things go wrong in their life, they are also willing to take full responsibility for it.

Unsuccessful people always play the blame game. It’s always the other people’s fault, which means that things are outside of their control. This is also the reason why there is so little motivation for them to change their life. It’s a vicious circle.

3. “I am willing to be patient” vs. “I want it now!”

You have probably heard the phrases shiny object syndrome or instant gratification. Instant gratification is when we are looking to feel pleasure immediately. Eating a nice meal, watching a movie, alcohol, drugs, make money fast schemes – are all examples of instant gratification. This is how unsuccessful people live their lives. They are not willing to put the time, money and effort up front.

Succesful people are able to look far ahead. They are aware that you cannot reach your goals overnight, especially if they are complex. For this very reason, they are able to work hard, day and night, for long periods of time without any noticeable achievements. Sometimes, they sacrifice years of life.

Despite difficulties, all successful people know that everything starts off with that seed. First, they plant it. Then, they water it. Nothing is visible above the soil, but they just keep watering it. It may seem as if nothing will ever emerge from the ground, but successful people know that it is a process and that it takes time.

Sooner or later, a little sprout shows up. Successful people just keep watering and watering, until it becomes a large tree with roots far in the ground. At this point, they know that even a storm won’t be able to take this tree down.

4. “It’s ok to make a mistake” vs. “I quit”.

The fourth successful people vs. unsuccessful people difference is in their approach towards making mistakes.

Succesful people know that mistakes do not equal failure. Instead, it is feedback, from which they can learn. Mistakes make them stronger and help them avoid the same mistakes in the future.

Unsuccessful people do not tolerate mistakes. As soon as they get challenged, they pack their bags and leave, they quit.

5. “I listen” vs. “I talk”.

Successful people listen, learn, and then apply that knowledge.

Unsuccessful people love to talk, usually about themselves. It’s super easy to identify these people. They talk about having so many ideas, but have so little tangible results.

Unsuccessful people love to talk, usually about themselves. It’s super easy to identify these people. They talk about having so many ideas, but have so little tangible results.

6. “I know it’s difficult, but I will try” vs. “I won’t even bother”.

The sixth successful people vs. unsuccessful people difference is in the way they look at change.

Succesful people may not enjoy change, but they embrace it. They know that no matter what you do, change will happen and it should happen.

Staying in the comfort zone and having “stability” in life is not what successful people do. They know that to have more, they need to become more. They work hard, take on new tasks and overcome the unexpected.

A successful person is no different from any other person. They may be just as scared and fearful of changes and of the unknown, but they are willing to give it a try nevertheless. They have taught themselves to feel comfortable about feeling uncomfortable.

Unsuccessful people fear change. They don’t want any of it. For this reason, they avoid it as much as possible.

7. “They worked for it, they deserve it” vs. “they are lucky”.

Succesful people look at other successful people and admire them. They look at the achievements of other and wonder how can they achieve the same.

Unsuccessful people always find a way to belittle someone’s success. They say things, such as “oh, it was pure luck”, “it is all because of their rich parents”, “they were born in the right place in the right time”, “pfff, if I were them, I would be so much better off”.

Recommended read: What to Do When Someone Is Better Than You? – Dealing with Jealousy

8. “I want to succeed” vs. “I want them to fail”.

The eighth successful people vs. unsuccessful people difference is how they see their competition.

Successful people focus on solutions. Unsuccessful people focus on problems. Successful people focus on themselves, making the best of what they can, the best of what they can offer to others. Unsuccessful people want others to fail.

9. “I want to help others” vs. “I care only about myself”.

Every successful person helps someone else. They understand that one must give to get. Because someone was once kind enough to share their knowledge with them, successful people realize the importance of giving back to the society. It may be in the form of teaching someone something, but it may also be in the form of donating to a charity.

Unsuccessful people want it all for themselves. If they learn something exclusive, they will usually avoid sharing it with others. In other words, it’s greed.

Differences of Successful People Vs. Unsuccessful People 2

10. “I want to be more self-aware” vs. “I am the center of the universe”.

The last but not least successful people vs. unsuccessful people difference is how they perceive themselves.

Successful people try to be aware of who they are, how they live and influence others. This is the reason why they are good learners and listeners. This is the reason why so many of them meditate, why they are able to overcome mistakes, why they know that helping others is important, etc.

Unsuccessful people often cannot put themselves in the shoes of others. Their ego dominates over them, placing them in the center of the world. For this very reason, so many of the above-mentioned differences, unfortunately, dominate in their lives and prevent them from becoming successful.

Thank you for stopping by and good luck! If you know of another successful people vs. unsuccessful people difference, would you be so kind to share it with me down in the comment section below? 🙂

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  1. This is a good post and I often wonder how to measure oneself through this. I would say I meet all of the criteria for a successful person, but success has often failed me, but yet I am content in life. Almost a conundrum of sorts.

    • If you meet all of the criteria of a successful person, you are creating the best possible life for yourself. Success may fail you from time to time, as it does all of us, but at least you are living an exciting life.
      To say the very least, your challenges are making you fulfilled, regardless of the results. And that is what matters most. Not everyone can be a Tony Robbins or Steve Jobs, but all of us can feel fulfilled. 🙂 This is just my opinion.
      Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  2. Batiste Ladonna

    February 25, 2018 at 07:36

    This is a very good post. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, is not an act, but a habit. Our daily activities create our future. If you want a positive looking future, we have to plan to apply good habits in oureveryday life.

  3. I enjoyed this article because it’s also my niche.. true, successful people listen.. they help other people to get what they want..

  4. Blair Villanueva

    February 26, 2018 at 09:12

    This is a beautiful post, and am learning a lot to compare such things in life. Successful people are not all greedy, they do listen.

  5. When you think about it, it all comes down to perception and attitude. This post should be an eye-opener for people who would like to become successful and can’t figure what it is that they’re doing wrong. Such a good reminder for all of us too.

  6. This are 100% true! I am not that successful but I do ok and most of the things in your list come natural to me!

  7. Lavanda Michelle

    February 27, 2018 at 12:49

    This list is spot on! I don’t know about anyone has had an “I cant” or an “i quit” attitude and been successful. It took Edison about 1000 times before the light bulb came about! Thanks for sharing, this post was truly inspiring.

  8. It comes as no surprise at all to me that selfishness gets in the way of success. What a wonderful world it would be if others would reach out and help more. That in itself would be a huge success story.

  9. I completely agree with all the points you gave. Successful people know that in time things will work out while the unsuccessful person is a get rich right now kind of person

  10. Your very first reason is seriously one of my biggest pet peeves. People that act like they know everything really never open themselves up to new information.

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