Tag: Income (page 2 of 13)

What to Do When Someone Is Better Than You? – Dealing with Jealousy

What to do when someone is better than you and dealing with jealousy… Let’s face it, it’s one of the most difficult feelings to handle and one of the most poisonous ones as well. While a feeling, such as anger, is very destructive to us, we at least understand that it’s wrong to be angry in most situations. Jealousy, on the other hand, is a lot more subtle and a lot harder to notice.

Unlike anger, we may feel that we have all the reasons to envy and/or be jealous, which takes us even further from the truth. It is a poison that prevents us from thinking rationally and therefore deteriorates us.


10 Tips on How to Write a Blog Post That People Will Read

Many think that knowing how to write a blog post that is “readable” is no rocket science. And while that is true, writing a blog post that people will WANT to keep reading is a whole different story. In fact, it’s not easy at all and can take years to get better at. It’s one of those things that’s easy to learn, but very hard to master.

As a result, I wanted to share with you a list of things I keep in mind when writing my articles. Of course, there are plenty more, but these are the ones that in my opinion must be included in the list.


10 Ways to Find Blog Topic Ideas for Your Readers

In this article, I want to discuss the subject of coming up with blog topic ideas that your readers would want to read about. It’s actually a really important subject because I often hear bloggers with very little published content complain that they have run out of topics to write about. Surprising to me, but it’s true.

So, below you will find the 10 things that I personally do to generate topics to blog on. I hope you will benefit from this list as well.


How to Monetize a Blog in 2023: 9 Pro Tips

Today I want to discuss with you one very important topic that will come across in absolutely every single person’s mind that is thinking of making money as a blogger. The question is – “how to monetize a blog (in 2023)?”

You may be thinking that I added the “2023” year into the title just for clickbait, but that’s not the case, not at all. Despite people asking this very same question all the time, blog monetization does really differ from year to year. 


How to Become a Blogger and Make Money

We can probably all imagine ourselves being popular bloggers making a ton of money. And it’s true, we’ve heard those stories of how some people make millions, but how exactly do they do it as bloggers? What are their strategies? How do they grow so big while so many other blogs fizzle out? All of these questions can be summed up into one single question – “how to become a blogger and make money?”