Comments on: What Is Affiliate Marketing & How to Use It to Make Money Online Your Ground for Motivation, Inspiration, Self-Development and Success Sun, 23 May 2021 13:14:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Victor Step Fri, 07 Dec 2018 09:56:00 +0000 In reply to Rowan Steward.

Hey Rowan and thank you for checking out my video!
Is there a specific reason why you mentioned the UK? If you are blogging on different things, then probably most of your readers are from the US, hence you can market US programs too. Or is your blog mostly for UK readers?

100% commission is great, but how much is that 100% in money? If you like the program, then try it out. You can always stop marketing them if you want to.

I would recommend signing up for Amazon associates. Even though the commission isn’t great, you can market pretty much any product on Amazon. It’s a quantity over quality thing. Plus everyone feels comfortable about purchasing on Amazon.

Also, have you checkout out Clickbank? They have a lot of programs.

From experience, I can say that the best thing to do is to find an affiliate program for something that you either use or have used, something you know much about. It should be also something that pays well to the affiliate, you.
Hope this helps. Feel free to ask other questions.


By: Rowan Steward Fri, 07 Dec 2018 07:03:00 +0000 Hi Victor,
Your video on ‘Is Affiliate Marketing Dead’ brought me here. I read your articles and found them really helpful for especially those who are like me( seeking for guidance for an effective startup). You explain in the most simplest way and i believe it is because of your background experience.
However i need your help on something very relevant to this and if you can help me out a little that would be great.
Actually the matter is, i am an blogger who has only worked with google ads(adsense) so far, even though my blog is only a year and half old but i have gained a lot of traffic and following recently. I want to integrate with affiliate marketing asap, but i have no slightest idea what program i should join. I write on different stuff so basically i need multi niche product feed to promote. Here in UK we have many programs but i have no insight on any of them. However i came across some attractive ones like this revglue company that offers free CMS and 100% commission on sales made once subscribed to their data…. it was eye catching so i that’s why i need an experts view on this. If you can give your opinion/suggestion that would be really great. Any recommendations are welcomed and appreciated.
