Time management Archives - Growth Evolution Development https://gedground.com/tag/time-management/ Your Ground for Motivation, Inspiration, Self-Development and Success Wed, 05 Jul 2023 03:45:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Writer Inspiration: How to Get Inspired to Write for Your Blog https://gedground.com/how-to-get-inspired-to-write/ https://gedground.com/how-to-get-inspired-to-write/#respond Mon, 03 Jul 2023 05:00:58 +0000 https://gedground.com/?p=6780 Honestly, as a person that's been blogging since 2016 almost always on a weekly basis, I've had my share of writer's block and therefore lacked writer inspiration. And I must say that not being able to write when you need to is one of the most annoying feelings that a writer can experience. No joke.

Knowing that there are many others out there that experience the same problem, I decided to create a list of 13 tips on how to get inspired to write for your blog.

I understand that sometimes there is absolutely nothing that one can do to get inspired, but there are a few things that I have found to be helpful. These are the strategies that come from my personal blogging experience. I hope that they can be of use to you as well.

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Why WordPress Is the Best Content Management System https://gedground.com/best-content-management-system/ https://gedground.com/best-content-management-system/#respond Wed, 28 Jun 2023 03:00:29 +0000 https://gedground.com/?p=6834 I see a lot of the same questions asked by bloggers, such as "What is the best content management system out there?" or "Why is WordPress the best content management system (CMS)?"

At first, I was a little surprised that these things are so commonly asked when we all should know that WordPress is the absolute best. But then I thought to myself, just because I know the benefits of WordPress, it doesn't mean that others do. Besides, I've been a CMS developer in the past myself and have owned a blog for the last seven years. I then realized that I need to be more mindful of others.

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6 Mistakes People Make When Choosing a Blog Niche https://gedground.com/mistakes-when-choosing-blog-niche/ https://gedground.com/mistakes-when-choosing-blog-niche/#respond Tue, 19 Feb 2019 15:27:26 +0000 https://gedground.com/?p=5002 If you have decided to start your own blog, choosing the right niche for it is probably the most important task. The reason for it is that once you make that decision, there is no turning back. You are pretty much stuck with it forever. The only way to change your niche is to close your blog down and to start a new one. But that, as you can imagine, can be a very painful thing to do.

Having been a part of the blogging world for years now, I know what you should be looking out for when making that most important decision. In the text below, I will do my best to help you pick the right blog niche. Enjoy!

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How Writing One Blog Post a Week Has Changed My Life https://gedground.com/one-blog-post-a-week/ https://gedground.com/one-blog-post-a-week/#respond Sat, 16 Feb 2019 16:07:13 +0000 https://gedground.com/?p=4968 When it comes to blogging, quality always beats quantity. Despite what many people think, growing a blog isn't an easy thing to do, at all. The reason why I say "growing" instead of just "having" a blog is because thousands have them these days. People create blogs to get their name or brand out there, and that's about it. Hardly any content is made and no attempts to add value to others. As a result, most of these websites, just like businesses, fail and are left abandoned. You will never even know they existed.

On the other hand, anyone that is serious about blogging understands that a lot of time and effort will need to be put in. It's just like in any other business where there is competition. It's completely normal, and it separates those that are in it for the quick buck from those that are in it for the long haul.

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26 Best Productivity Apps That Will Help You Achieve https://gedground.com/best-productivity-apps/ https://gedground.com/best-productivity-apps/#respond Thu, 17 Jan 2019 04:20:48 +0000 https://gedground.com/?p=568 If you have taken the path of self-improvement, you know how difficult it may sometimes be to keep track of your progress. Things begin to pile up on top of each other and life becomes a nightmare. Fortunately, though, the technology that we have access to today can take much of that pain away. By using the right tools and software, the success that we are so desperately after, can be achieved much faster and with less discomfort.

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