Honestly, as a person that’s been blogging since 2016 almost always on a weekly basis, I’ve had my share of writer’s block and therefore lacked writer inspiration. And I must say that not being able to write when you need to is one of the most annoying feelings that a writer can experience. No joke.

Knowing that there are many others out there that experience the same problem, I decided to create a list of 13 tips on how to get inspired to write for your blog.

I understand that sometimes there is absolutely nothing that one can do to get inspired, but there are a few things that I have found to be helpful. These are the strategies that come from my personal blogging experience. I hope that they can be of use to you as well.

How to get inspired to write!

1. Study other blogs

The first tip on how to get inspired to write is about other blogs.

This is probably my most effective strategy. When I am out of inspiration to write, I simply search for other blogs in my niche and skim through their content. This gives me plenty of new ideas to work with.

But make sure you don’t plagiarize from other bloggers. I’ve seen this done, and it’s nothing but ugly. This strategy is solely for the purpose of inspiration.

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2. Introduction comes last

I’ve talked about this in some of my other blog posts, but I will mention it once again. Sometimes it’s useful to leave the introduction until the end! 

As a blogger, you must know that the introduction, just like the title of the article, needs to grab the reader’s attention. It needs to excite the reader so much that they would be hungry to read the rest of the text.

inspiration to write

And unfortunately, sometimes creating an awesome introduction can be a nightmare. It puts so much pressure on us, writers, that we lose the desire to write anything at all. I can’t even recall anymore how many times I knew exactly what my blog post would be about, but after having sat for half an hour trying to script the “perfect” introduction, I lost most of my inspiration.

So what’s the solution? First, you create an outline for your blog post, then you write the content, and finally, you finish off with your introduction.

The “introduction last” approach has two advantages:

1. By the time you get to the introduction, you are most likely in the “flow state“. In layman’s terms, this means that you are in the zone, your creativity is at its highest and ideas flow onto the computer screen naturally. Writing a good intro at this point won’t be a big deal.

2. Since you now already know what the body content of your blog post is about, it’s waaaay easier to come up with a good introduction.

3. Postpone it for later

The most common way for writers to gain their inspiration back is to postpone the writing for later. This may be a couple of hours, a day, or it may be a whole week if you really need it. In the past, I would be a masochist and force myself to write every single week even if I felt like crying about it. The result? Very poor blog posts.

Today, I understand that postponing writing until later, till the time I have gained some of that inspiration back, is A LOT better than forcing yourself to write when you can’t.

There is no such thing as “forced inspiration”. If you really need it, allow yourself to skip a week.

And no, postponing writing due to a lack of inspiration is NOT the same thing as procrastination.

4. Let the music flow

Some people prefer total silence when writing. However, I have noticed that if you put on some background music, preferably no lyrics in order to eliminate distraction, it can really boost the creative juices.

In my case, I prefer listening to lounge or jazz radio when I want to be more positive and humorous within my article, and ambient music when I am writing about something more serious. Try experimenting with music.

5. Decide on the topic in advance

As part of my blogging routine, I never brainstorm about the topic to write on and do the writing on the same day. Coming up with a title can eat up a lot of energy, which will diminish the inspiration you so desperately need when working on your content. As a result, I create a list of well-researched topics in advance.

6. Watch an inspirational video on YouTube toi

In my mind, inspiration and motivation are closely linked together. If you aren’t motivated, it’s hard to get inspired, and vice versa. Sometimes, all that we need to get inspired is a bit of motivation.

Fortunately, YouTube, aside from “cutting a Coke bottle with a heated knife” and cat videos, is an amazing source of motivation. Use it to your benefit to get inspired!

7. Read an inspirational book

This tip on how to get inspired to write is very similar to the previous one, except here you use books to get inspired.

You don’t need to read a lot. Sometimes 2-3 pages from a self-help book are enough to get your brain up and running.

13 Tips on How to Get Inspired to Write for Your Blog

8. Coffee time as writer inspiration

I understand that having a cup of coffee is not everybody’s cup of tea (hehe). However, caffeine helps us wake up, and in certain cases, that is all we need to better focus and get inspired.

9. Reward yourself

One of my favorite writer inspiration methods consists of rewarding myself with something nice as soon as I am done with my work. This may be good food, going to the movies, buying something that I have wanted for a long time, etc. It’s a very simple technique, but rewards really do push us to work with more enthusiasm, to work quicker and to work harder.

10. Find that time of the day

Some of us like to wake up early, while some like to sleep till noon. Some of us like to exercise early in the morning, some like to do it in the evening, and some even like to do it at nighttime. The same goes for mental effort.

When do you feel that your productivity is at its highest? What about creativity? Mine is early in the morning. In the evening I can barely think.

Figure out when writing comes easiest to you and try to stick to that time. Why make things more difficult when you know what your ideal blogging time of the day is?

How to Get Inspired to Write

11. What’s the purpose?

This is truly one of those super-duper inspirational tips.

We all started blogging for a reason, with a purpose attached to it. Some blog because they want out of the nine-to-five rat race, some want to work while being able to travel, some want to help others with the information they provide, etc. Nobody knows that purpose better than you.

Yes, we all feel discouraged when things don’t go as we planned. Maybe we think that our writing is dull, like no one cares about our content, or maybe because our blog traffic is not growing at all. All of these things can completely destroy our inspiration. I totally get it, I’ve been there plenty of times as a blogger.

He who has a why to live can bear almost any how. – Nietzsche

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However, what really helps is to remind yourself of the reason why you initially wanted to become a blogger. Think about the time when you decided on your niche, when you set up your blog and wrote your first article. You were confident that your blog will change your life and maybe even the world forever!

Well, the good news is that it still can change the world, but it won’t happen if you give up. My advice to you, take some time off and remind yourself of the purpose. If you do this exercise well, trust me, the inspiration will come back to you.

12. Draft – don’t edit!

Like me, you may be a perfectionist, at least sometimes. And we all know that 100% perfection is not possible. Having this kind of attitude usually does more damage than good. Instead of putting out there epic content, we sit back and worry that it won’t be perfect enough, thereby completely killing inspiration.

My advice to you, start writing whatever you were going to write about, but without making any edits to the text. Write whatever comes to your mind. Let it become your first draft.

It may be so that as you write your draft, inspiration will naturally emerge as more and more ideas are jotted down. And if it doesn’t, you will be left with a list of ideas that can later be refined and used to create an amazing blog post.

13. Use forums and Facebook groups

Finally, the last tip on how to get inspired to write for your blog concerns you haunting for inspiration and ideas from various websites, such as Reddit, Quora or Facebook.

Your blog may revolve around dog training, but you are running out of ideas. No problem. Go onto reddit.com and search for discussions around dog training. The same goes for Quora and Facebook. Facebook is packed with groups around pretty much any subject that you can think of. Join those groups and have a look at what people are discussing.


So, this was it for today. Hopefully, you found this list on how to get inspired to write useful. And if you think that something is missing from the list, please share it with us in the comment section below.

Thank you for stopping by and good luck!

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