In this article, I want to discuss the subject of coming up with blog topic ideas that your readers would want to read about. It’s actually a really important subject because I often hear bloggers with very little published content complain that they have run out of topics to write about. Surprising to me, but it’s true.

So, below you will find the 10 things that I personally do to generate topics to blog on. I hope you will benefit from this list as well.

The best blog post ideas for your readers

1. What do I care about?

If you have picked a niche for your blog that you truly care about, the first question that you should ask yourself is, “Which topics in my niche worry/interest/get me excited the most?”

By asking this simple question, you will have plenty of new blog topic ideas emerge in your head. This is especially the case when you are still new to the blogging world and haven’t yet published too many articles.

Remember that by picking a certain niche, you hope to attract people to your blog that have the same interests in that niche as well. So, there is a good chance that if you are excited about a certain topic in the niche, so should be your readers. If you think SEO is an important topic within the content marketing niche, your content-marketing readers probably will think the same.

This is a very simple exercise. Sit down and brainstorm about your niche for a while. Write down everything that comes to your mind. Then you can use those ideas to make separate blog posts, or you can also combine many of those ideas into longer blog posts that will stand out in Google.

blog post ideas

2. Use success and failure stories from your past

Another great way to form blog post ideas is to look into your personal life experiences. The experience may either be a positive one or a negative one. Either way, people are always interested in reading stories that are based on something real.

For example, I once wrote an article on how I almost lost over 3000 dollars trying to sell on Amazon. It was a mistake on my part that I shouldn’t have allowed to happen, but I did. Fortunately, after weeks of sleepless nights, I managed to solve the problem and all ended well.

After having published that article, I got a lot of emails and comments thanking me for it. As it turns out, if not that article, many new sellers were about to make that very same mistake. That article saved them in a way.

Talking about past successes and failures really resonates with people. These kinds of articles motivate and teach others how to do things the right way.. or not to do.

Morevoer, even though my article “Short Motivational Stories of Failure and Success That You Must Know” was not about my personal success and failure stories, it’s still one of the most popular blog posts on my blog up to this day. Something to think about.

3. Quora

Quora is a great resource for coming up with blog post ideas for your blog.

Not only do I use Quora to answer people’s questions and to promote my own blog, but I also enjoy reading the answers of others on topics that interest me.

Try browsing the topics there that relate in some way to your niche. You’ll see what kind of questions people ask, and then you’ll be able to create blog posts answering those questions.

4. Reddit

Reddit, also known as the “front door of the Internet”, is basically an enormous forum made up of very engaged users.

Try searching for subreddits related to your niche. Then under the popular tab, you will see the most highly rated topics. Use those topics just in the same way as if you were answering questions from Quora.

In a way, Reddit is even better than Quora for generating ideas because you get to see which topics are of most interest with the help of Reddit’s upvote and downvote system.

5. Facebook groups

We had Quora and Reddit already on the list, but you can also use Facebook groups to create new topics to blog on. Find groups that are relevant to your niche, join them and see what people are most interested in. If the group allows it, you can even ask people what they want to know more about.

Best Blog Topic Ideas

I actually have a self-development-related Facebook group of my own. I went one step further and made it so that upon joining my group, I ask each person to answer one very simple question – “What is the #1 challenge you are facing right now in life?”

This question alone has given me hundreds of new ideas to blog on! Feel free to join. ๐Ÿ˜Š

6. Ask people directly

One other great way for generating new blog topic ideas that people often forget about is through personal interaction.

If you have Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc., you can send people direct messages and ask them what they would like to know more about. Of course, it’s better if you aren’t asking your questions from random people, but you know that the person has a genuine interest in your niche.

Don’t forget to ask your family members and friends as well.

There is no chance, no destiny, no fate, that can hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.
– Ella Wheeler Wilcox

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7. Google search bar helper

Maybe you haven’t yet noticed, but whenever you type some word or phrase into Google’s search bar, Google has this feature that offers options for how you can finish your search phrase. The phrases that it offers are usually topics that people often search for and therefore are interested in.

For example, you can be writing “how to lose weight”, but you will also see a number of other options show up, such as: “how to lose belly fat”, “how to lose weight fast”, “how to lose face fat” (this one is quite strange..), etc.

I’m not really sure how that “how to lose a guy in 10 days” made it to the list (Google, go home, you’re drunk!). Besides, why would women even be searching for answers to that?! If a lady is reading this, I would be happy to get your take on that search phrase. You can leave a comment below in the comment section. ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ

But I digress.

10 Ways to Find the Best Blog Topic Ideas for Your Readers 2

8. Keyword research

Keyword research is a whole world of its own in blogging. I often talk about its importance and have made a separate blog post on it that I highly suggest you read.

Recommended: What Is Keyword Research? โ€“ How to Grow Your Blog Efficiently

Nevertheless, keyword research is a sophisticated way to find the best blog topic ideas for your blog that people are 100% interested in if done right.

The process is simple. First, you use some software that is made for doing keyword research. I recommend either SEMRush,ย which is an advanced, but more pricey keyword research tool. Or, alternatively, you can go with a more affordable tool – SEO PowerSuite.

These two tools will allow you to see how many searches every month in Google a certain keyphrase actually gets.

For example, “how to lose weight” gets around 450,000 searches every month, which is a lot. However, the keyphrase has a high competition rating (49%), which means that it will be difficult to rank high up in Google’s search engine results for that keyphrase.

On the other hand, “how to lose weight on legs” has about 6,600 searches every month, which is a lot less than the previous example. But the good part is that this keyphrase has a lower competition rating (41%), which means you might rank better for it if you do decide to write about that topic.

In an ideal world, every blog post that you create should be based on keyword research. You need to create content that people actually search for. If no one cares about your blog post idea, who are you writing for?

NOTE: More monthly searches does not mean more success. It will be nearly impossible for newer blogs to compete for popular keywords with giants that have been around for 10-20 years. Many of the keywords that I have used to create content get only 500 or even fewer searches every month.

9. Study other blogs for new blog post ideas

I regularly get inspiration for blog post ideas from other blogs in my niche.

No, I don’t copy anything directly or plagiarize, but I do see what blog posts have the most popularity on the internet. I either look at how that blog post ranks in Google’s search results, or I look at the number of comments left below that blog post. Then, I mix and match, and make my own versions of those articles.

10. Get inspired through books and videos

Finally on the list of ways to find the best blog post ideas for your readers comes inspiration through books and videos.

If you feel lost, stuck and/or have writer’s block, just relax. Spend some time reading a book related to your niche or watch a video on YouTube. I actually do this all the time and it helps me come up with new post ideas quite quickly. Give it a try.


So, this was it! I hope you found it useful. If you have any questions for me or thoughts regarding that “how to lose a guy in 10 days” Google search phrase, feel free to drop them down below into the comment section. ๐Ÿ’ช

Thank you for stopping by and good luck!

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