With the rapid advent in technology, every year millions of new job requirements arise to handle big data. This boosts career opportunities in the field of data science, and it does not restrict you to one specific category in the field. Almost every sector, including manufacturing, healthcare, education, government, security and law enforcement, requires data scientists.
As per IBM reports, the demand for data scientists and data engineers will grow by 39 percent till 2020. This is a huge percentage of employment worldwide.
Without further ado, let’s discuss major career options for data science degree holders:
Data Scientist
The data scientist applies statistical and mathematical models to fine-tune big data. Data scientists apply theoretical knowledge of algorithms and statistics to get the best techniques to solve data science issues. They take business problems and convert them into data questions and then design predictive models to answer those questions. Finally, they translate the solution by storytelling.
Skills Required
To pursue a successful data scientist career, one should have good knowledge of algorithms, mathematics, statistics and broad knowledge of programming languages, such as R and Python. Moreover, a wide understanding of data problems, from right question framing to communicating the results effectively is important.
Data Engineer
Data engineers are the people who completely rely on their software to handle big data. They basically focus on coding, cleaning up data sets, and implement requests from the data scientist side. Data engineers have good knowledge of Python and Java programming languages. If someone takes the predictive models from a data scientist and executes their code, simply they are playing the role of a data engineer.
Skills Required
A wide understanding of data storage and warehousing solutions like SQL and NoSQL, and a healthy knowledge of programming frameworks, such as Spark and Hadoop that can help you source data and process it.
Data Architect
Data architect’s role in an organization is to build, optimize and maintain conceptual and logical database models. He should also know how to analyze system requirements and implement migration methods for existing data. Data architects should have good hands-on experience with SQL and Oracle software. If you are familiar with predictive analysis and data visualization techniques using relevant tools, opting data architect as a career is a good option for you.
Skills Required
To be a successful data architect, in-depth understanding of database structure principles, expertise in SQL and Oracle software, proficiency in MS Excel, Familiarity with data visualization tools, analytical skills, and problem-solving attitude are required.
Data Administrator
Database administrators are accountable for the evaluation of database software purchases and oversee the modification of any current database software to meet the demands of their employer. These are highly responsible for maintaining the performance of the company database. DBAs ensure the security of company data.
Skills Required
The basic skills required to be a data administrator involves greater problem-solving approach, promoting process improvements, data maintenance, good operating system knowledge, presenting technical information, etc.
Data Analyst
Data analyst is a person who looks through the company’s big data and provides reports and visualizations to explain what insight the data is hiding. They help people across the company by entering specific queries with charts and other diagrammatic forms.
Skills Required
Career beginners as a data analyst require to have a solid grasp of data manipulation and data communications. In this context, good knowledge of MS Excel programming is highly appreciated.
Business Analyst
The demand for a business analyst involves sectors like big entities, design organization and even non-profit organizations. He analyses the business models with technology advancements. The role of the business analyst works on several areas and responsibilities to meet the big organization expectations.
Skills Required
Business analyst you must have advanced strategies for gathering, reviewing and analyzing data requirements. Some others involve master strategic business process modeling, traceability and quality management techniques.
Data/Analytics Manager
Analytics manager organizes our analytics function and manages the team of analysts efficiently. He implements various tools and strategies to translate raw data to create valuable business insights. If you have strong logical reasoning skills and business intelligence, the career suits you most. An analytics manager also has the ability to communicate effectively what is essential.
Skills Required
Companies require to have effective data analysis and reporting for Develop strategies, define company-wide metrics and relevant data sources. Select, configure and implement analytics solutions, and knowledge of Excel, R, and SQL, familiarity with business intelligence tools, (e.g. Tableau, SAS) problem-solving aptitude.
Business Intelligence Manager
A business intelligence manager must have proficiency in Develop and prepare strategies for business intelligence processes for the organization. BI manager has primary responsibility for setting the strategy and vision for managing the day-to-day operations of the team. BI manager is also responsible for all strategic, tactical, operations, financial, human, and technical resource managerial responsibilities.
Skills Required
The BI manager requires to prepare architecture for data, strategies by considering business objective solutions, and he prepares updates and implements all phases for the project to achieve all projects objectives.
Final words…
The career opportunities under data science are numerous now and increasing with every day that passes. New openings with different responsibilities and different job profiles strike the market almost every day. So, if you are willing to start your career in data science, go ahead. It is the right platform to show your skills and rank in the world of data. If you require coaching don’t hesitate to get the Data Science Course Toronto as its certification will be helpful to get your dream job.

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