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30 Blog Writing Tips That Will Make Your Blog More Successful!

It’s not a secret that blogging really does take some time and effort. Naturally, every blogger wishes to grow their traffic as quickly as possible. They know that as soon as they have that traffic coming in, their blog can and will start making them money.

Luckily for us, there are a number of things that you can do to grow your blog traffic faster. Below, you will find a list of 30 blog writing tips that will help you make your blog bigger and better in no time. Enjoy!


7 Ways to Grow Your Business Motivation (And Stay Motivated!)

It’s not a secret that any business starts with the right mindset. We watch motivational movies, read business books, learn about those that have successfully managed to leave the 9-5 rat race.. we then ask ourselves.. what if? What if I, too, can start my own business and become successful?… That is when the so-called business motivation is at its peak state. It’s the perfect time to take action.

Naturally, however, all motivation, including the business one, weakens with time. Mistakes happen, obstacles are met and life gets complicated. That success euphoria that we experienced just a while ago can now hardly be felt.

Don’t worry though, there are things that you can do to keep that state of mind as high possible at all stages of your business. Below, you will find the 7 ways you can achieve this. Enjoy!


Is Blogging Dead? 10 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog Now!

Is blogging dead? This is one of those questions that I hear asked often. People worry that they will start a blog and that no one will read it, that they won’t be able to grow their audience, and ultimately, that they won’t make any money with it.

As a response, I would ask you, are coffee shops dead? Are book stores dead? Are flea markets dead? All of these have been around for a very long time, and you can still find plenty of them all over the cities. So why should blogging be dead? Just because there are more of them today means nothing, fortunately. The only thing that it does mean is that there are more people putting out content of poor quality in the hope of becoming rich this way.


10 Tips on How to Overcome Procrastination Right Now!

I sometimes refer to procrastination as the silent killer of life. Not because it’s bad for our health, but because it stops us from living the life of our dreams and becoming who we are destined to be.

As we bury ourselves deeper into the world of technology, surrounding ourselves with virtual and augmented realities, an increasing amount of social networks, multiplayer mobile phones games, etc., procrastination, strangely, is becoming more and more of a serious issue for the modern human being… as if we don’t already have so many problems to deal with.

In this blog post, I would like to share with you my 10 tips on how to overcome procrastination right now. But before that, I want to let you know that this week, I was incredibly fortunate to be a guest of Linda Yoonjin and Gabi Petrylaite on their podcast called the Change Podcast to discuss this very topic of procrastination.

On the episode, we talk about what it is and where it comes from, but I also share my story of procrastination, how it’s impacted my life and what I have done to improve it. Many of those tips you will find also below in the post. Nevertheless, I am sure you will find the episode very useful, so be sure to check it!


How to Deal with Anxiety Attacks: 10 Truths You Need to Know!

Because of the continuously growing complexity of the world that we live in, more and more people suffer from different mental “disorders”, anxiety becoming one of the most common of them.

As a person that has had to deal with anxiety for a large part of my life, I know firsthand how devastating this problem can get, making some of the most basic tasks in life, inexplicably horrifying.

The good news, however, is that you can learn how to deal with anxiety attacks. Anxiety is not something that you have to live with forever. It’s not set in stone, nor is it a prison ball and chain that you will have to drag behind you for the rest of your life. And why do I say this? Because I am living example of a person that has managed to take anxiety so much under control that I hardly ever notice it. It’s become a vague shadow of what it used to be in the past.