Tag: Buddhism

50+ Best Self-Help Books That Will Change Your Life Forever

In this blog post, you will find my list of 50+ best self-help books that will change your life. Enjoy!


6 Yoga Poses That Will Boost Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is an important aspect of human nature on which the whole meaning of one’s life depends. One is identified by his or her inner strength and the ability to cope up with the stiff situations. In the 21st century era of industrialization and economic development, the world is moving with the speed of light and a cut-throat competition is going on to excel in the race. In such a challenging environment, you are being tested in every walk of life.


Why Meditation Is So Life Changing: 6 Reasons to Meditate Every Day

To feel better, so many people today are taking antidepressants, going to therapy and looking for help from the outside. And while all of these may be necessary in certain cases, many could improve simply by adding exercise and daily meditation session into their life. Yes, this does require work and consistency, but only through work can real fulfillment and change occur. Only when one changes their habits and consciously lets go of things that are taking them down, they will be able to make that positive transformation in life. There is no easy fix, unfortunately. 


How to Stop Overthinking – 6 Practical Tips

How to stop overthinking? – Overthinking is one of the most annoying behaviors that we can constantly be involved in. Similar to anxiety, it causes us to constantly think and worry about thoughts and actions that do not deserve it. And when there really is something to thoroughly analyze, we tend to blow it so much out of proportion that it’s not even funny anymore. It becomes a living nightmare, and can even lead to depression.


10 Simple Anger Management Techniques to Help You Get Through the Day

Some time ago I wrote a post on how to control anger and hate towards other people. As the name implies, it was about controlling anger that is specifically aimed at other people. It also had a little bit of a Buddhist touch to it, which was inspired by the book “8 Steps to Happiness: The Buddhist Way of Loving Kindness” – I highly recommend the book. In this post, however, I want to keep it more simple. I want to share with you ten simple anger management techniques that can help you deal with any kind of anger at any moment of the day!