Tag: Career (page 3 of 4)

Top 10 Tips for a Better Work-Life Balance – Don’t Burn Out!

Let’s face it, regardless of how good and caring a corporation may be towards the employees, its main job is to make money. And it uses your time, skills and effort to make that happen. Of course, from time to time this inevitably leads to stress and even burnouts, which is something we definitely don’t want.

To avoid burning out, you must create a better work-life balance for yourself. Yes, some companies do take their employee mental health very seriously, but at the end of the day, you are still at work, eight hours a day, five days a week. It is your responsibility to make sure that you have enough time for yourself and the people that you love.

Below you will find the ten tips for a better work-life balance. Please make sure that you read them carefully and apply them in your life. You will most likely work until you are very old, which is why it is crucial to create the optimal work-balance life already today.


Your Guide on How to Escape Stress in the Workplace Creatively

Each and every day I come across the same topic whether I want it or not. Wherever I go, here and there, people are moaning about their routine work, angry boss and total dissatisfaction with the duties. Be it my friends and relatives or some total strangers in public transport, whose talk I become a random witness of, the story is always the same: “you know what? I’m so tired of that. Every day is a Groundhog day – get up in the morning looking for that day to finish.. actually, all the working days to finish and weekends to start. I hate my job.” Or something like: “can’t stand my clients/partners/colleagues, they are always dissatisfied with what we do”.


How to Start a Business When You Have a Full-Time Job

I belong to many Facebook groups dedicated to having an online business. One common question I see asked a lot is how to start a business when you have a full-time job? I see that the majority is split into two camps. The first half wants to quit their job/studies immediately to go fully into their business, without actually having a solid financial backup. The second half finds it extremely demanding to start a business when their day job eats up most of their time. Because I have a full-time job myself while simultaneously working on other “projects”, I feel that I have something to add to this subject in order to help people better understand whether this is doable and even worth it.


Dream Job: 10 Professions That Will Allow You to Work from Home and Enjoy Life

Don’t feel like spending your whole life at the office? Want to spend more time in bed? Worry no more, because in this post I want to introduce to you 10 professions that will allow you to work from home!


Top 10 Job Interview Questions and Answers – Your Quick Guide

Tell me a little about yourself. – the most common of all job interview questions and answers, and is probably the first one that an interviewer will ask you. Don’t overthink this and don’t make the answer too long either.

See it more as an “icebreaker” that is meant to give a direction to the interview. You simply want to show that you know how to speak, preferably well, and you want to share some of the key points from your life that led you to apply for this job.