Tag: Decision Making (page 8 of 8)

Changing Your Life vs Trying Again – Difficult Decisions

Whether it is a difficult relationship, a business, a study place, a job, or anything else that it may be, from time to time, we find ourselves in a situation where we feel that something must change. Maybe we had never planned to be in this situation, or maybe we didn’t expect it to be this difficult. Regardless of the reasoning, the outcome is a burden. The question that inevitably then arises – should we change our life, or should we keep on trying?


Cheap Travel: How Travelling Changed My Life

Being able to travel the world easily is truly an accomplishment of the modern society. Unfortunately, many of us take it for granted and are missing out on it. I personally haven’t yet seen the whole world, but the places that I have gone to have allowed me to mature in a number of different ways. I believe that travel, especially cheap travel, is one of the most efficient ways to experience life and expand the mind. Why? I’ll tell you why, and then I’ll give a few tips on how to make it is as cheap as possible. Just be sure to stay with me until the end.


Procrastination: A Simple Guide on How to Stop Procrastinating Today!

Many of us can agree that one of the biggest evils of life is procrastination. It is that what hinders us from going to the store to get food, cleaning up the apartment, visiting our parents, searching for work, responding on time to our loved ones, brushing teeth, doing homework, preparing for a meeting, etc. As a result, it impacts the overall quality of life.


Taking Action and Achieving the Unachievable

Many of you have probably heard people talk about taking action and why it is crucial in the achievement of goals. Today, following the concept of taking action has almost become like a religion of its own, like a clan that you can join solely for the purpose of taking action together. There are probably thousands of business coaches that have devoted themselves to teaching this concept to others. And while it may seem like common sense to some people, or another business coaching cliché to others, believe it or not, it is what most people lack.


Vegetarian – To Be Or Not To Be

Vegetarian, to be or not to be. Before I begin writing about this subject, I must say that everything written here is nothing other than my opinion and experience. I in any way do not look down at people that eat meat, nor do I say that everyone should become a vegetarian. I simply share my experience of being a vegetarian. If somebody finds this story inspirational or amusing at the very least, I would say that time writing this blog post wasn’t wasted.