Tag: guest author

Six Life Lessons From a Decade in Sales

What image comes to mind when you think of sales?

Is it some slick-haired swindler in a cheap suit, circling a used car parking lot? Or a coked-out sleaze, fast-talking grandma out of her retirement?

That may seem harsh, but it’s not far from public perception. A colleague once described salespeople, “robots that regurgitate company slogans.” I didn’t know if she was joking or referring to Alexa.


7 Smart Goals Examples to Help You Crush 2021

In this post, we are going to look at 7 SMART goals you can put in place for 2021 to help you have an incredibly successful year.

We will also explore:

– How goal setting create success
– What are SMART goals

Let’s jump right in.


Let’s See How CBD Works in the Brain and Body

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical substance in the Cannabis plant, also known as marijuana or hemp. CBD is non-habit forming and non-psychoactive. Thus, making it usable for people to consume it to improve overall health.

CBD helps in the treatment of seizure disorder or epilepsy. It is also useful for anxiety, pain, muscle disorder, and many other conditions. However, these uses are not scientifically proven.


The Anatomy of a Successful Membership Website Business

There are mounds of benefits to be had from running a premium membership subscription website.

You can generate income, establish your brand as an authority, build strategic relationships with like-minded people and more. It’s no wonder people all over the internet are considering launching their own membership website-based businesses.

However, it’s worth pointing out that the whole endeavor isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. A lot of people have tried setting up membership website businesses and have failed miserably.

After all, just like in most things in life, in order to succeed at having a membership website business, you need to do it the right way. And if you’re wondering what the “right way” is, then you’re in the right place.


5 Ways to Boost Blog Engagement with Dynamic Visual Content

Are you having a hard time drawing in readers and followers to your blog posts?

As a content marketer, driving traffic is indeed one of the toughest challenges you need to tackle. As such, you always try to find ways for your blog post to stand out.

One way you can drive traffic to your blog posts is through visual content.

Visual content is a powerful attention grabber for your readers. It attracts people more than text alone because of our visual nature.

That’s one of the reasons content marketers are urged to include images and visuals in their blog writing strategies.

Visuals are also more memorable as they engage the sense of sight. They make it easier for your readers to retain and absorb information from your blog post.