Tag: Health (page 3 of 3)

Why Investing in a Course, Coach or a Mentor Is Your Most Precious Asset

Not so long time ago I decided to start a new online business. It took me some time to choose the business model that I want to pursue, but after finally picking one, there was another big decision that I had to make. I had to find the right people that would teach me everything I needed to know about selling on Amazon.

I am a firm believer that almost nothing in this life can be done well without having a coach or a mentor. Regardless of the field you are trying to get into, you must have someone to show you how to do it. Sports, music, languages, cooking, business, yoga, meditation, etc. – all need a coach or a mentor. Sure, you can do those without someone guiding you, but don’t expect outstanding results. If you are trying to learn a new sport on your own, there is a strong possibility that you will hurt yourself. And if it is an instrument or a language, you are going to have a hard time in the future unlearning the things that you might have learned incorrectly.


How to Stop Worrying – 5 Everyday Things You Can Do to Make Life Easier

I am not going to pretend I am this confident personality that always has everything under control. No, on the contrary, I tend to get nervous quite a lot. The problem exists partially because I was brought up this way, and partially because I have caused it to myself. Instead of learning to control my fear, throughout most of my life I have been trying to avoid it. Those life experiences that could have served to make me more confident, I decided to run away from, thereby putting myself under more pressure and falling deeper into the anxiety hole. And even though my story is full of ups and down, the past few years have become exceptional, and have allowed me to develop myself greater than ever. As a result, I have been able to minimize anxiety to the bare minimum, at least in comparison to what it used to be. Those of you that want to find the answer to how to stop worrying from daily small and big problems, please stay with me for a little longer. I will do my best to share with you the best of what I have learned.


How to Stop Binge Eating Today – 3 Basic Steps!

I still remember the times when eating out was equal to pain. The only thing worse than eating out was eating out at a buffet. Here all boundaries of self-evaluation were gone, and the freedom to cram the food beyond all limits was given.

One thing that I like to often do on the Internet is to answer question that I either find interesting, or am knowledgeable about. Recently, after writing my last blog post on how to lose weight, people have been continuously asking me a set of similar questions, such as “what food to eat to lose weight?”, “what habits are there for healthy eating and losing weight?”, “can I lose weight while using supplements for gaining mass?”, etc…


Vegetarian – To Be Or Not To Be

Vegetarian, to be or not to be. Before I begin writing about this subject, I must say that everything written here is nothing other than my opinion and experience. I in any way do not look down at people that eat meat, nor do I say that everyone should become a vegetarian. I simply share my experience of being a vegetarian. If somebody finds this story inspirational or amusing at the very least, I would say that time writing this blog post wasn’t wasted.


Exercise and Sports – Life’s First Aid

Today I want to talk a little about physical exercise and the notion of sports in general. As I have already mentioned in my first blog post, my main objective is to inspire others to grow, evolve and develop, while doing the same for myself. My core belief is that in order to become successful in life, whether it is financially, spiritually or in any other way, one must begin by taking care of their body. Even the Bible refers to the body as a temple for the soul that one should honor.