There is a lot you can do to transform your sales nurture program into one massive cash cow. You can set up drip emails, run contests, or do giveaways — you can even include polls and surveys to the mix so you can obtain helpful data to take your sales nurture program to the next level.
However, out of all the methods you can use, a lot of seasoned marketers would argue that publishing videos should be one of your go-to strategies to grow your client base. Automated video courses, for that matter, can do wonders for your sales nurture program.
Not only is it perfect for providing real value to your audience by educating them about how to address their pain points, but since this generation is inclined towards watching videos, your video courses will easily blend into your audience’s lifestyle — making your sales nurture program a seamless experience for them.
To help you further increase the efficacy of your sales nurture program, allow me to share with you some crucial tips about automated video courses.
Use the right platform.
Just like in most things in life, you need to use the right tools to get better results out of whatever endeavor you’ve decided to partake in. The same can be said for creating your automated video courses.
You need to have the right tool — or platform — for the job. That’s where ClickMeeting comes in, a trusted webinar platform that you can use to create and share your automated video courses.
The platform has a chock full of features. It can help you create various kinds of webinars which you can then record and share at a later time as an automated video.
You can even create waiting rooms so you can better manage the students or participants of your video courses as they wait for your event to start.
ClickMeeting also has several automation features to help you create and promote your video lessons.
You can set the platform to record your webinars automatically, send event reminders, send follow-ups and thank you emails and more..
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When you have a reliable platform, it becomes easier for you to manage your automated video courses and integrate them into your sales nurture program.
Leverage the flywheel framework.
The flywheel framework has been gaining popularity, so much so that industry leaders like Jon Dick (HubSpot’s Vice President of Marketing) and Rand Fishkin (previously with Moz, but now with SpakToro) have created their own versions of it.
While the traditional marketing funnel framework still might have much to offer, with its emphasis on achieving frictionless, perpetual motion, there’s much to be said about the flywheel — especially with so much personalization and automation available.
ClickMeeting, for their part, even came up with the webinar flywheel, a framework for using webinar growth to increase your sales. Because you are looking to use automated video courses to amp up your sales nurture program, then learning more about the webinar flywheel can help further your cause.
The framework has several components to it, here’s how it looks.
![How to Use Automated Video Courses as Part of a Sales Nurture Program](
Image source: ClickMeeting
As you can see, the webinar flywheel isn’t a linear sales and marketing funnel. It is agile and dynamic, and it does a much better job of helping businesses or marketers who use automated video courses to get more value out of their webinar activity over time.
They get to have more sales, more engagement and build better relationships with their customers — all while spending a much lesser time setting up the nitty-gritty aspects of creating their videos and promotion because of the framework’s automation component.
Address your audiences’ pain points.
The more value you bring to the table, the more compelled your audience is to take action on your offers.
Value breeds trust. And trust is a crucial component of sales. When you establish trust, your audience won’t think twice about buying from you. This is precisely why you should create automated video courses that address your audiences’ pain points.
To illustrate my point, here’s a video on YouTube that addresses a pain point.
Not only does the video have millions of views and hundreds of thousands of likes, but it even has thousands of comments — something that isn’t exactly easy to pull off.
Instead of simply creating videos out of topics that you think are interesting to cover, take the time to put yourself on your audiences’ shoes and consider what their biggest and most frustrating problems are.
When your automated video courses are geared towards addressing your audiences’ problems, you’ll get better conversion out of your sales nurture program.
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Offer your automated videos for free.
As of this time of writing, ScamWatch reports that $106,389,738 is lost due to “All Scam Types.” With that much fraudulent activity happening, you should know by now that your audience is going to be very careful about who they transact with.
They’re going to want proof — or anything that can put their minds at ease that they’re dealing with a legitimate company. One way of doing this is to give away your video lessons.
When you give away your premium content, your audience will see and appreciate all the effort that you put into it. They are bound to see the time you spent putting your material together and setting up everything up — that’s something that only a legitimate company would do. Those who are into scamming people are normally just interested in money-making methods that won’t involve hard work.
Just by giving away your video content, you establish yourself as a credible brand and one that’s genuinely eager to help. This puts you on a better place to nurture your relationship with your audience and close more sales.
What’s next?
Automated video courses can help you get more engagement, offer better value to your audience, and even educate them — these will ultimately make your sales nurture program more effective.
What are some of the best tips you can share about improving our readers’ sales nurture program? If there are strategies, ideas, and tips that can help our readers, feel free to add them in the comments section below.
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