What’s the essential piece of advice you get when you’re wondering how to find a better work/life balance? There’s a universal recipe for that: start doing what you love, and turn your passion into a source of income. When you stop perceiving your job as a burden, you won’t even have to try to find that balance. It will come on its own.
You still haven’t found something you truly love? How about blogging? If you’re good at expressing yourself through words and other types of content, you’ll definitely love blogging. The fact that you can start blogging about anything makes it easy to turn this activity into a passion. If, for example, you’re passionate about growing flowers, you can start a blog from that niche.
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The question is: how can you monetize your blog? How can you turn it into your main and only source of income?
We won’t lie. It won’t be easy. It won’t happen in an instant. It requires tons of work and dedication. However, you can turn your blog into a sustainable source of income if you try hard and long enough. We’ll give you guidance that will take you to that goal.
1. Develop a Plan and Focus
When you’re trying to develop a successful blog, you have to realize that it needs focus. If you take a look at the most successful blogs, you’ll notice they are all focused on a particular niche. Business Insider, for example, provides information from the business niche.
So what will your focus be? To formulate that question better: what’s your passion? Find your passion and turn it into a focus. It may be dance, flowers, travel, nature, sport, fitness, IT, business… anything!
The important thing is to choose one niche and stick to it. You’ll need to develop a blogging schedule, so you’ll plan the topics you’ll cover. That’s necessary, so you’ll stay on topic and you’ll prevent yourself from going all over the place with the content you develop.
Recommended read: How to Start a Business When You Have a Full-Time Job
2. Deliver Top-Quality Content that Solves Issues
If you want to make money from your blog, you need to make it popular. To make it popular, you need more people to start visiting the site on a daily basis. To make that happen, you have to attract your audience by providing effective solutions to real problems that they face.
Your content has to be unique and special. Think about it: if you need a solution and you search for it on the Internet, you won’t read all blog posts that Google lists in the results. You’ll choose one or few as your focus. You’ll choose high-quality posts that offer specific solutions to your problems. That’s the kind of content you want to develop for your audience.
Blogging is not about creating and promoting huge pieces of content as frequently as possible. Yes; it involves quantity. However, quality and uniqueness should always be your main focus.
3. Build a Highly Professional Site
Let’s be honest here: blogs that look outdated don’t stand a chance to become popular, no matter how high the quality of their content is. Since the audience has tons of options to choose content, they will certainly access information on sites that look better. It’s not only about the appearance. It’s also about being user-friendly. The content has to be formatted well, and the entire website has to serve the purpose of optimizing the user’s experience.
Free WordPress themes will hardly work. You may start that way, but you should definitely consider investing in a premium theme or hiring a website designer as you make progress. Yes; this will be a significant investment, but it’s one that will return a lot of money if you play your cards well.
4. Grow Your Following
This is possibly the hardest part of the process. Many bloggers are great at producing high-quality content that delivers solutions, but they fail when it comes to the promotion part. All they do is share some links via social media and hope to gain followers that way.
You need a strategy!
You have to go out of your way and use all social media platforms and other channels to promote your blog. You’ll have to turn to guest blogging, too. This means contacting the most popular blogs in your niche and writing content for them, in return for getting backlinks to your site.
You should also get active on Quora – a platform where you can answer questions as an expert and attract readers towards your site if your answers are good enough. Medium is another great platform for gaining exposure as a blogger.
5. Develop a Community around Your Blog
It’s not just about attracting visitors to your website and followers on social media. You’ll gain some visits that way, but you won’t achieve long-term popularity. To reach that point, you should focus on fostering a community around your blog.
When you’re focused on a particular niche, you attract people with similar interest. You can gain their loyalty by enabling the fans to ask questions. You should also trigger discussions and encourage your readers to engage with each other. In a way, you should turn the comment section under your blog posts and social media posts into a public forum.
Only a well-engaged community will lead to huge popularity that you can monetize.
6. Try Affiliate Marketing
It’s not wise to start with affiliate marketing as soon as you launch your blog. That will make it look like yet another site that’s just trying to sell. Once you go through all previous steps we listed and you gather a rather large following, you’ll be ready to start advertising Amazon products in a subtle way.
What’s a subtle way of advertising, I hear you ask? It usually comes in the form of reviews. You mustn’t make them fake, though. You should get the actual products, use them, and share your experience. Your readers will need proof in the form of original photos and videos that show the products in action.
Once you get influential in your niche, brands will start offering their products in return for your review. That will provide you with more material for reviews and affiliate links, but remember: you have to remain subtle and honest. You don’t want to encourage your followers to buy something they won’t like. You’re building a community that trusts you. If you lose the trust, you’ll lose the source of income.
7. Start Selling Something
This is the logical step once you achieve great popularity with your blog. When you have many people following your advice, you can start selling different products on Amazon.
Let’s take the example with a blog about growing flowers again. If many people start reading your blogs and following your recommendations, you can start directing them towards your own Amazon FBA business, where you’ll sell seeds, flower care products, and eBooks that teach people how to grow and take care of particular plants.
Download our >>>7 SMART STRATEGIES TO GROW YOUR BLOG TRAFFIC FASTER guide for free!<<<
Yes; it’s possible to turn your blog into a sustainable source of income. The best part is that your content will keep bringing you money on the long term… if it’s good enough and focused enough. The seven steps above lead you through the process of growth. Are you willing to make the investment of time and effort to make it happen?

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