Knowing how to write a blog post that a person will be inclined to look at is really no rocket science. But on the other hand, writing a blog post that a person will read from the beginning until the end is a whole different story. Because of YouTube and other social media, people just don’t have the attention span to go through long pieces of text anymore. So it’s really hard to get an audience to stay on a blog. Therefore, our goal is to write content that is just too good to skip.

A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit. – Richard Bach

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As a result, I wanted to share with you a list of things I keep in mind when writing my articles. Of course, there are plenty more, but these are the ones that in my opinion are the most important.

How to write a blog article that is interesting enough

1. Use short paragraphs

When I was in school, I was often told that my paragraphs were too short. Two or three-sentence paragraphs were considered a bad practice. By the time I got into university, I was used to writing long and complex texts, so the paragraphs needed to be long as well. There it made sense.

With blogging it’s very different. We don’t write 100-page books here – we blog. This means that there is a lot of information tightly packed into 1000-4000 word articles. Therefore, the goal is to put ideas into as smaller paragraphs as possible to keep the reader engaged. We want the reader to stay on our blog for as long as possible since that helps our blog reputation. If the reader gets bored, they will leave.

Recommended: How to Make Money With a Blog for Beginners in 2023

2. Don’t be dull

This article could have been named otherwise – “how to write a blog post that isn’t dull”. And it’s true, as long as your blog is not about something scientific like medicine, most people will not stay on your blog if your writing is too dull. So what exactly do I mean by dull?

First of all, it’s important to find subjects for your blog that are interesting and relevant. You can, of course, write about absolutely everything, but each subject can be written slightly differently. In other words, you can make any “uninteresting” article become a really interesting one simply through your writing style.

For example, you write about “angry” or rough types of dog breeds. You could just list them and say a thing or two about each breed, but that wouldn’t be too engaging, would it? Alternatively, you using real-life examples of how some dogs went “crazy” would be a lot more fascinating. Using statistics from the internet would be a big plus, too. Finally, giving your own opinion on each case would add A LOT to the article.

Another thing to keep in mind is the language. Once again, we are not writing books here. Although it might make sense sometimes, there is no need to talk like a geek all the time. Write as you would speak to a friend. And don’t forget to use humor. Most people enjoy the occasional smile.

I’ve come to the realization that it’s usually those blogs that are written with more personality that do better.

Use Google to find out what kind of blog posts are in demand, the ones that are at the top of the search engine results. This will give you an idea of what could work for you as well.

3. Use stories from your life

In the previous point on how to write a blog article that will work, I mentioned dullness. Well, using stories from your life can be one of the most powerful weapons to make your blog interesting.

Sometimes, before I start writing, I sit down and think of a story or two that I could share (if it works with the topic of the blog post, of course) with my readers.

The reason why personal stories are so effective is because they are R-E-L-A-T-A-B-L-E. When you share something from your life that another person can relate to, their enthusiasm for your article grows tremendously. I am sure you’ve experienced this when reading a blog post or a book.

4. Use images and GIFs

This one probably doesn’t need further explanation, but nevertheless, using (relevant, funny) images and GIFs in your blog posts adds a lot to the overall experience.

10 Tips on How to Write a Blog Post

You can use sites like GIPHY and Pixabay to find free GIFs and images.

5. Headline and intro

Another really important tip on how to write blog posts that people will read is to use compelling titles and introduction sections.

The title is the first thing a reader sees not only when on your blog, but also in Google’s search engine results. A title determines an action immediately. It will either get the user to click on it as soon as they see it, or to scroll further down if it doesn’t sound “good enough”.

For example, I could have named this blog post “Tips on How to Write a Blog Post”, but that’s not too exciting. Instead, I spiced it up a bit by calling it “10 Tips on How to Write a Blog Post That People Will Read”. You get the point.

Once the reader has clicked through and arrived at your blog post, the first thing they will read is the introduction. It’s similar to the title. If the opening is lame, they won’t bother reading on. If it’s funny and/or catchy, they will most-likely want to read the rest of the text.

6. Use subheadings

Using subheadings is also very important specifically for blogs.

Because blog posts usually tend to have a lot of information crammed into a limited amount of words, it’s important to break your text into sections through the use of subheadings like the one above. This helps readers to navigate to the sections that are most interesting to them.

To take it a step further, you can even create a table of contents section as I did in my article on how to make money as a blogger. Google also likes this approach and can actually push your blog post higher in the search engine results because of it. Of course, the table of contents makes sense only if your blog post is long enough.

7. No unnecessary fluff

One big mistake that almost all writers make is not removing the parts of the text that don’t need to be included in the final copy. This is often my problem as well. It feels bad to delete things that took you so much time to write.

So once you are done writing and proofreading your blog post, don’t be shy to delete the “unnecessary fluff”.

I know that sometimes we want to reach a certain amount of words with our blog posts for SEO purposes, but trust me, you would be doing yourself and your readers a disservice by leaving in all the things that they don’t need to know. Again, they’ll get bored and leave, and that is not good for your blog. Rather shorter, more exciting content.

8. Use “you” instead of “one”

Earlier I mentioned that many blogs do better because they feel more personal and human, as if someone is speaking directly to you. Well, to achieve that, authors use humor and stories from their life, but they also use that magic word “you”. They are writing specifically for YOU.

I know I am repeating myself here, but once again, in a university paper, you would not be using the word “you” because it’s not the norm. The norm is to use “one”. So instead of saying “you claimed this and that”, you would write “one claimed this and that”.

With blogging, it is the opposite. Unless you have a science blog, use “YOU” instead of “one” to make your articles feel more personal. Be simple. Your readers will appreciate that.

how to write good blog posts

9. Ask your reader questions

Whenever someone teaches or gives a presentation, the best way to keep the audience engaged.. and awake.. is by asking them questions. With blog posts, it’s no different. Ask simple questions, ask complicated questions, give exercises where relevant, make them think to keep them engaged.

10. Check your grammar

Finally, the last tip on this list of how to write a blog article that your readers will read is to make sure that the grammar does not have errors.

Of course, sometimes it’s hard to have no mistakes, especially with longer blog posts, but make sure you proofread once or twice before publishing. Grammatical errors can be a serious turnoff for some people.

You want your blog to be professional, regardless of the niche. The least you can do is to make sure you have no grammar and spelling mistakes. You can use a free tool called Grammarly to make sure you write correctly. I always have it turned on when writing my articles.


So, these were my ten tips on how to write a blog post that people will want to read until the very end. Hopefully, you found them useful. If you have any questions, feel free to leave them in the comment section below. I’ll be sure to answer them there.

Thank you for stopping by and good luck!

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