In order to make your team more productive and achieve better results, you need to put together a sound digital system which will improve your team in many ways.
To improve the digital skills of your team here are a few tips.
1. Lead by example
Leaders have started to realize the importance of going digital. When managers of various businesses realize that they do not have all the knowledge they embrace digital skills.
The team leader needs to ask themselves questions such as – does my team make use of digital tools for their work or are they still employing the crude paper methods? Also, you need to look at the situation of things around you and compare them with your current situation.
After engaging in this analysis, compare what you have with the available digital tools on the market, and select which tools best suit your need. Engaging in this analysis of your team and taking the initiative to grow will increase the overall efficiency.
2. Know your team and select tools according to their needs
Before you choose any digital tool, brainstorm with your team to know their current situation. Find out which tools they are required for daily tasks. Also, discover with their help any unreasonably time- consuming task and find out what activities wastes the most time. Show that you value their opinion by taking note of their complaints and find out what digital software will improve their skills.
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Furthermore, take note of the goals you want to reach and be sure to work towards them. Make sure that your digital tool saves you money, processes projects faster, creates better communication and so on.
Making the right choice is usually not easy. The problem is not usually that the team lacks digital skills but that the digital tools available slow down the capabilities of the team.
3. Talk about the new business tools and its benefits
It’s popular knowledge that old habits are difficult to break. Accepting new digital tools for better skills could be fun but no easy to adopt. Many team members choose to stay in routine activities over new tools and skills. It is not inspiring for the team if you ask them to do something without giving a good reason to. Tell everyone you work with why you decided to select a certain software and let them all try out the new tool and try to answer their questions immediately.
4. Conduct a proper software training exercise
When you introduce a new software to promote the activities of your team, don’t forget to include a software training specialist who knows a lot about the software. These specialists can in a few weeks assist your whole team in a way so that the team uses the tool(s) better. Coordination is important but the software training experts will make the team fully equipped for action and perform at a higher level.
5. The benefit of continuous learning
It is important that you create a system to motivate your team by helping them to find opportunities for self-education.
To improve your team and to promote innovation, the members need to work to engage in continuous learning. The best learning tactic that could help the team better is one that is self-initiated.
Organise discussion groups for the team where the best digital practices, past and future discoveries and study plans are discussed. Award and show appreciation to team member’s effort in learning challenges or innovation.
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The goal is to put together learning and work to cultivate a continuous study process, promoting continuous learning is a way of planning for the future, a way of beating competitors in the future. Team leaders and members need to engage in continuous learning irrespective of the problem of lack of time or motivation.
6. Harmonize digital strategies and business processes
There are many tools needed for fulfilling many roles for your team. But to gain much ground it’s important to begin with tools that would take your work higher than your competitors and it is best to look towards business management solutions because very few exist.
The huge amount of tools in the market have its numerous advantages and disadvantages. What this means is that you should look for providers who offer quality support in different areas, have new feature releases per year and do not try to impress by beating their price low.
To get improvement from your team, you need to take a good look at your business processes and ensure that the digital tools you adopt connect with each other. You have to also critically monitor your business, teams, and customers as a single unit. To do this you need to gather information about marketing, finance and outsourcing.
Also, the method of communication used between team members should be ranging from face-to-face to e-mail to text messaging.
In order to hold on to the customers, it’s important to keep information on the team members and have continuous customer communication in place.
Business process planning can be a cumbersome task when only the results are looked at. So you need to focus more on specifics and integrate the right digital tools for your processes.
We live in an era of electric cars and rocket science. Technology is the building block of this generation. Digital skills have gone beyond knowing how to send an email or running a search query on Google.
To keep head above water in this technological era, teams need to among others enhance their digital skills, and managers need to play their part by integrating business management tools in order to have complete control.
When working, your team should find a way to introduce learning into their daily, weekly and even monthly routines. You should also motivate your team to look for opportunities to broaden their own digital skills and expertise. Many business leaders have come to see the need to improve the digital skills of their team amidst the poor capabilities which they possess. We hope that you found these tips mentioned above very helpful.

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