Is blogging dead? This is one of those questions that I hear asked often. People worry that they will start a blog and that no one will read it, that they won’t be able to grow their audience, and ultimately, that they won’t make any money with it.

As a response, I would ask you, are coffee shops dead? Are book stores dead? Are flea markets dead? All of these have been around for a very long time, and you can still find plenty of them all over the cities. So why should blogging be dead? Just because there are more of them today means nothing, fortunately. The only thing that it does mean is that there are more people putting out content of poor quality in the hope of becoming rich this way.


Only a small fraction of blogs become successful. Why? Because they were started out of a pure passion for the niche that they are in; not the money. If you want to start a blog because you genuinely care about something, no competition or saturation should ever worry you or stop you from becoming successful. If you want a blog because you think you can make quick money this way, then I am sorry to say, you won’t.

Besides, there are also more people using the internet today than ever. So trust me, you will always be able to find your own audience.

Is blogging dead? No. But don’t stop here. Read below my 10 reasons why you should start your own blog right now! It’s definitely worth.

Is blogging dead, really?

1. Quit the 9-5

When I was younger, my parents always told me that I needed to get into a university in order to get a degree, so that I could later live a comfortable life. With a degree, I could get a well-paying job that would allow me to buy a nice car, a house, a summer cottage.. It’s that word – stability, that they kept repeating to me.

Honestly, I had no problem with being “stable” in the future. I mean, who doesn’t want a job that pays well? Besides, as a teenager, I only had physically demanding jobs, such as working at a construction site or moving people’s furniture from one house to another. I really did know what it means to have a job that you hate going to. I thought that if get a degree, it would be possible to get a job that I love. Boy, I was wrong.

On my first day as a software developer, the profession that I studied for 3,5 years, I quickly realized that I don’t like it at all. And it wasn’t even the software development itself, or the company that I worked at that paid me the bare minimum, but it was the fact that I have to take orders from other people and come to work every single day.

Having worked for only one day, it was enough for me to understand that this will be a painful ride if I don’t do something about it soon. And so I did.

Is blogging dead? Not at all! In fact, blogging is your way out of the 9-5 job, if that is what you want.

If you are anything like me, a person that absolutely hates coming every day to work, taking orders from others and doing the things that you don’t feel like doing, then blogging just might be your key to Narnia.

Blogging can and will replace your 9-5 job if you put your mind to it and work hard enough. It can earn you a lot of money, which means that you no longer will have to depend on anyone else. In a way, blogging can make you FREE.

2. Work from anywhere

As I already mentioned, blogging can help you get out of the 9-5 rat race. But it doesn’t end there.

If you look at blogging as a source of income, then you can consider it as an online business, which means that you get to choose where you want to work from and when. No one is going to watch you from behind, making sure that you do the work. You are your own boss.

Getting sick and feel like staying home? No problem, your office is your laptop. Want to spend more time with your family? Sure, you get to pick where and when you work. Want to work from a Hawaiian beach while sipping on a Margarita or Gin tonic? Why not, you don’t have a meeting to attend.

To be a blogger, you need to be creative and you need to be willing to put in the time and the effort. Whether you do it from home, a cafe or a beach in Hawaii, has no difference.

Having the freedom to work from anywhere in the world is truly one of the best things about having a blog.

3. Make passive income

Most people that wonder is blogging dead are interested in knowing whether this type of online business can make money in this day and age.

The truth is that no matter what anyone will tell, blogging can absolutely be your main source of income. There is just one precondition. You must work hard and you must not give up.

Fortunately, blogging is not a “get rich quick” thing at all. Because if it would be, everyone would be blogging.

Recommended: How to Make Money with a Blog for Beginners

Blogging is an online business model that requires a lot of patience, consistency and dedication. You cannot start a blog and expect it to make you money on the second week. No, it doesn’t work that way.

To earn money, you must first grow your blog and gain authority. In practice, this simply means making awesome content and sharing it with the world.

When you publish enough content that people will find valuable, that is when you will start making money. When exactly this happens, nobody can tell for sure. For some people, this can be less than a year, while for others it can take 7 years. It all depends on what niche you choose, how often you write and what you do to attract more people.

Assuming that you have decided to take blogging very seriously, that you are consistent and you don’t plan on giving up, you can expect to start earning passive income in no time. But what is passive income, though?

Passive income, as corny as it sounds, means to make money while you sleep. It means not exchanging time for cash. It means not having to sit in a cubicle, pretending that you are hard at work in order to get a raise.

You can earn passive income in many different ways from blogging, but my favorite one is through affiliate marketing.

To make money the affiliate way, you can, for example, make a review of a product you like and leave a link to it in your blog post. Every time someone buys through that link, you get a commission for it. So you write the blog post only once, but you are paid over and over as long as people keep coming to your blog and buying through you.

passive income

When I think about all of this, I cannot be grateful enough for the time that we live in and the opportunities that we have. All we need to do to make a living is to create content that will help solve other people’s problems.

4. Help people

The reason why I even got into blogging originally was not that I wanted to run away from the 9-5 or make millions. No. It was something else.

For almost ten years I was in a very dark place. I led a destructive lifestyle with no aim and no vision of the future. It was painful to wake up, knowing exactly what the day will look like. Every single day lacked one critical thing – purpose.

After having reached the point where I genuinely hated every single thing about myself, I knew I could not take it any longer and that something needed to change right that moment.

Little by little, I began to take my life under control. I fixed my diet, started going to the gym, went to bed early to get up early, and started to spend more time reading books on self-development and success.

After having helped myself, it became clear as day that anyone can be helped. It doesn’t matter where you are, what you do or what your thoughts are like at that moment, if you can change your direction, you can change your life. I was dying to help others.

If you can change your direction, you can change your life.

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When I started this blog, the is blogging dead question never even crossed my mind. All I wanted to do is to write about everything related to self-development and to help others. And once I got my first email in which a person thanked me for what I do, I knew that my blog could positively impact others. It validated that I was on the right path.

Today, I am able to affect a much bigger audience, and I absolutely love it. I can’t want for my blog to grow even more so that I could help even more people (and animals). In fact, having that sharp focus on helping others instead of making money was what has allowed me to keep going no matter what. Every time I was about to give up, I reminded myself why I began this blog and that so many people still need help. These thoughts are my strongest motivation.

5. Blogging isn’t complicated

Some people will try to make you feel stupid by saying that blogging is simple. They’ll even compare it to their own job and say something along the lines of: “My job has a clear output, we create products for other companies, and I get a salary. Your blog has none of that, it’s like selling air and hoping that someone will buy it.” I’ve heard all kinds of things over the years…

The truth is that blogging isn’t complicated at all, but it’s also no walk in the park.

If you compare blogging to starting an IT or a logistics company, then sure, blogging is easy. Both IT and logistics have a large learning curve. Blogging, on the other hand, can be done even by my grandma. Your blog today can literally be up and running in a matter of minutes.

Is Blogging Dead? 10 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog Now! why to start a blog

However, what people fail to understand is that blogging is a form of art. Not only you need to be strategic about what you write, but you must also have the motivation to write. Trust me, writing every week thousands of words for the last 3,5 years takes some dedication.

The good news is that if you like writing, blogging will be the easiest thing you can do online that has the potential to make you rich. No, seriously. If you are ready to work hard and be patient, the opportunities and the money that blogging offers are endless.

6. What competition?

Another reason why people ask is blogging dead or not, is because they are worried about the competition and the saturation.

Usually, people see it this way… 20 years ago there were almost no blogs. Heck, there weren’t even that many websites on the internet. So if someone did start a blog then, they had no competition and as a result, they have tremendous success today. Just look at Lifehack or HuffPost, both of which were started in 2005.

Well, you are doing yourself a disservice if you are looking at the blogging industry this way. First of all, 2005 happened a long time ago. All this time they kept working hard to grow their blogs. It’s good to ask yourself, are you willing to write for 15 years even if there was no competition at all?

Secondly, today much more people use the internet on a daily basis than they did 20 years ago. This also means that today there are more people, in general, to consume your content.

Thirdly, just because it’s easier to start a blog these days, doesn’t mean that all of those blogs will be your competition. Most of the blogs that I see out there die. People come into the industry thinking they will make money quickly this way, just to find out a month later that it’s not that easy after all. You need to genuinely care about your blog. Many people don’t, so they quit. Those blogs then remain on the internet, kind of like an abandoned house.

And finally, if you see that there is a lot of competition online amongst bloggers, then it’s definitely a good sign. Competition is always a good thing. If there is no competition, then there is no demand and therefore no money to be made.

My advice to you is don’t focus on the competition. Instead of looking at others, focus on making your product, your blog, the absolute best. Focus on providing value and help to others. If it comes from your heart and you do it well, trust me, you will have your own following and you will be making money with your blog.

Winners focus on winning. Losers focus on winners.

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7. You learn a lot!

I must admit that my blog has been an amazing source of knowledge, motivation and new skills for me.

First of all, I am not an expert on every single subject that I write about on this blog. I have no problem admitting this. But that does not stop me from becoming more educated on the subject, researching it, and then publishing the content. In fact, the more I write, the more I have to research, simply because I need to come up with new ideas for content that I am not yet familiar with.

what has replaced blogging

As a result, my blog has forced me to read more books, take online courses and spend more time around educational content on YouTube, which is something I never used to do in the past. Still only about 5 years ago YouTube for me was a platform for wasting time.

In other words, my self-development blog has taught me more about becoming better than any school or teacher could. So if you want to blog about technology or traveling or cooking, expect to become an expert in the field.

Also, if you start a blog, you will perfect your writing skills and even public speaking skills. The more you write, the richer your vocabulary will become, which you will then begin to use in day-to-day life. My writing style and the vocabulary I use have tremendously improved since I started the blog.

8. New opportunities

Still wondering is blogging dead or not? Not only it’s not dead, but as your blog begins to grow, you will see many new opportunities!

You will be offered opportunities to collaborate and to co-host events with other bloggers. But also, with the growth of your audience, you will find new ways to make money blogging.

With a large audience, affiliate marketing becomes a lot more profitable, but so do things like coaching or creating online courses.

As your blog grows, people will reach out to you with all kinds of new opportunities. Most of them you will turn down, but some will pleasantly surprise you and help your business grow.

Having a popular blog is in a way like being a celebrity. People constantly want your help and will offer you good money for that help.

So if all of this sounds really exciting for you, just like it did for me, then I highly suggest that you no longer dabble, and start writing for your blog right now!

9. Amazing new connections

Previously I mentioned that a blog will create many new opportunities for you. Here, however, I would like to specifically emphasize the connections that it will help you make.

As you blog, you will meet people from all over the world, many of which will become your friends. Some of them will want you on their podcasts and YouTube videos, others will ask you to help them with growing their business, and some will simply be inspired by the work you do. The last category of people are my favorite, as they genuinely appreciate what you do and they serve as proof that your work means something to the world.

I’ve met many-many wonderful people through my blog, and I cannot be grateful enough for this.

10. Life becomes a smile

Still asking is blogging dead or not? Well, then you must know this.

Since I started a blog, my life has changed 180°. Before the blog, I had no idea what I wanted to do in life and what my goals for the future were, my vision and my purpose.


Originally, when I started the blog, I didn’t think that it would take me far. I did it simply for fun. But soon enough, I realized that it excites more than anything. I love waking up knowing that I have a way to reach people, and I feel satisfied going to sleep, knowing that I am moving forward and will be able to help more people in the future.

Every day I am able to work on my blog, and every day it brings me fulfillment, which ultimately is what makes me happy.

The opportunities that I have, the connections that I make, the people that I get to help, the knowledge that I have gained over the years, the skills, the ability to become better and grow as a human being, and, of course, the money that I get to make doing what I love – all combined have made my life wonderful. Helping others is my purpose and what brings true fulfillment, and I can’t wait to see where all of it will take me in the future.

Starting a blog is truly one of the best decisions that I have ever made. So if you still ask me today that is blogging dead or saturated, I will reply – hell no!

Don’t focus on the competition or saturation. Just find a subject you love to think and talk about, and start writing about it. If it comes out of passion and from your heart, your success is guaranteed because there is nothing that can stop you when you are doing the thing you love.

I hope I have managed to motivate you a bit and to answer the is blogging dead or not question. And if you have anything you’d like to know more about, feel free to reach out or to just drop it down in the comment section.

Thank you for stopping by and good luck!

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