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Sacrificing Morality for Success – Right or Wrong?

Imagine that you have been working really hard to get promoted in your job. Many years you worked day and night to get noticed by your bosses. You got a lot of positive feedback and your hopes were high. But now, when it was time for your promotion, you hear from a colleague that they have actually called in for an interview for that very position someone else. And the best part is that you will be the one to interview that someone else. You are devastated.


Shiny Object Syndrome – Why and How to Avoid It at All Costs

As an entrepreneur, have you ever started something new with motivation and excitement, but soon enough found yourself distracted by other, more “interesting” things? You found a new online business strategy, for example, but decided that it doesn’t work just a week after experimenting with it? Sound familiar? This type of behavior is often classified as the dabbler mentality and is brought on by the “shiny object syndrome”, which will be the topic of this post.


10 Reasons Why and How You Should Stop Judging Others

In one of my previous posts about the benefits and dangers of the ego, I talked about how we humans love to judge others. Some of us do it more and some of us do it less, but the bottom line is that we all do it. And while I am sure that it’s natural for us to behave this way, it carries a certain amount of dangers that, if taken too far, can take into a very wrong and unpleasant direction. So, in this post, I would like to talk about the ten reasons why and how you should stop judging others and focus only on yourself. This is extremely crucial if you want to grow and become better in all aspects of life.


10 Simple Anger Management Techniques to Help You Get Through the Day

Some time ago I wrote a post on how to control anger and hate towards other people. As the name implies, it was about controlling anger that is specifically aimed at other people. It also had a little bit of a Buddhist touch to it, which was inspired by the book “8 Steps to Happiness: The Buddhist Way of Loving Kindness” – I highly recommend the book. In this post, however, I want to keep it more simple. I want to share with you ten simple anger management techniques that can help you deal with any kind of anger at any moment of the day!


27 Life Lessons Learned in 27 Years

Now that I am 27 years old, I finally feel that I am old enough to understand what has so far helped me in my life, what went wrong and what I learned. Therefore, in this post, I want to share with you my 27 life lessons learned in 27 years.