Tag: Awareness (page 3 of 13)

5 Reasons Why I Am Ok with Making Mistakes: Overcoming Adversity

Let’s face it, making mistakes and overcoming adversity can feel horrible at times, especially if the mistake is of large scale. Because of this, we are often too afraid to make that first step forward. The fear can hold us back and prevent us from making the so-needed changes in life.

But what if you knew that you couldn’t fail? What if you could see adversity from a different angle? How would you act then? Would the fear of doing something wrong still have such an impact on you?


6 Tips on How to Remember Dreams Better and Experience Lucid Dreaming

I have previously shared the story on how I was able to experience astral projection and lucid dreaming, but I was also recently asked to share some of the more practical tips regarding the subject. Specifically, I was asked to share tips on how to remember dreams better. Because dreams can, after all, help us better understand who we are deep inside.


6 Yoga Poses That Will Boost Your Self-Esteem

Self-esteem is an important aspect of human nature on which the whole meaning of one’s life depends. One is identified by his or her inner strength and the ability to cope up with the stiff situations. In the 21st century era of industrialization and economic development, the world is moving with the speed of light and a cut-throat competition is going on to excel in the race. In such a challenging environment, you are being tested in every walk of life.


How to Be More Creative in Life: Follow These Steps to Improve

When we think of creativity, we mostly think about art and music, as these are the most obvious fields of life in which creativity plays a significant role. However, if you dig a bit deeper, you will come to the realization that creativity is actually everywhere. If not every field of life should use it, then every field definitely could use it.

By being more creative, you can make any dull activity – fun, a difficult period in life – easy, a mundane task – exciting, and a gray relationship – colorful again. Please find below the things you can do in order to learn how to be more creative in life.


How to Deal with Stress: 7 Proven Ways to Find Peace

Stress is one of those things that we all have to deal with from time to time. It may come from a heavy workload, from having too many exams side by side, from moving to another city or country, from a failed long-lasting relationship, or any other.

What’s really interesting about stress, though, is that while it may feel like it is a part of just about every activity and every time period of our life, some people experience almost no stress at all. “But how is that possible?”, you may ask. Don’t they have a family, a future and health to worry about? Or do they just not care? Well, just like any other person, they do care, but they also do a number of things on a daily basis that helps to reduce that unnecessary tension.

To really understand why some people stress and worry so much, while others don’t, you need to look a bit deeper into yourself as an individual, but also as a living organism that has evolved over time. To help you with this, please find below the list of points that you should take into consideration if you want to learn how to deal with stress and finally find peace.