Tag: Gratitude (page 3 of 5)

10 Ways to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude and to Be Happier

Every so often life becomes overwhelming. Things begin to pile up on top of each other, and the bright colors that were once there, start to fade. Waking up with a smile on your face and a sense of purpose becomes more and more difficult.

These periods of life are not rare, and many of us get to experience them. Nevertheless, when they do come around, it’s important to hang in there and to stay positive. Know that everything in life passes, including the difficult times.

I’ve put together for you a list of ten ways to develop the attitude of gratitude. These are things that you can always feel grateful for even in the most difficult of moments. If you know anyone else who might be needing an extra bit of encouragement, feel free to share this list with them as well.


How to Accept Yourself – Your 6 Must-Know Rules

Let’s start off with a little experiment. Please close your eyes and think of a really sad moment from your past. Spend half a minute thinking about it. Now give what you are feeling a name.

Then think of an amazing moment from your past. Spend half a minute on it. Once you are done, give what you are feeling a name.

How did you feel when you thought of something sad? How did you feel when you thought of something amazing? Well, if you are like most people, then you probably didn’t enjoy the first part of the experiment at all. The second part, on the other hand, was great. The point of this experiment is to show you that whatever we focus on, we feel. We feel things, and then we name them. We do this all the time.


Top 10 Self-Development YouTube Channels for Motivation and Success

YouTube has been one of the biggest sources of inspiration for me. Because it has helped me in so many ways to grow up and become better, I would like to give back and share with you the YouTube channels that I personally watch.

If you know a channel that you feel belongs to this list, please make sure you share it with us all in the comment section below. Thank you.


The 3 Pillars of Self-Development – Your Road to Fulfillment

Self-development is one of the broadest subjects. For some of us, it has become a lifestyle, something that is with us 24/7. In the search for happiness, health and wealth, we try to completely immerse ourselves into it. We constantly read books, watch documentaries, buy programs and listen to smart people talk because we truly believe that all of that will help us move forward.

But do you ever feel like self-development is just exhausting you? Do you ever feel like you have had enough, that you just want to relax and be able to enjoy life doing nothing? To be completely honest with you, I know I do. When you work so hard, but see so little progress, it is only a matter of time before you get fed up. And that is the exact reason why everything should have a structure and be done in moderation, including self-development. In other words, we should avoid being fanatical about it.


Conventional Wisdom Creates Limiting Beliefs, Is the Enemy of Progress and a Dream Killer

When I work with people, one of our main goals is to find limiting beliefs in them. Limiting beliefs are beliefs that others either hold about themselves or the world around them. Those are the beliefs that prevent people from successfully moving towards their dreams. Simply put, limiting beliefs hold people back.

But to be completely honest with you, getting rid of a limiting belief is not hard at all. All you have to do is realize that you have one, become aware of it, and voila! That pretty much on its own solves the whole issue. But like I said, that isn’t hard; identifying the belief is.