Tag: Gratitude (page 5 of 5)

6 Reasons Why We Should Be Thinking About Death…

Before you go on reading this text, I want to make it clear that I in no way have the intention of making you feel sad, dark, or even frightened. On the contrary, the purpose of this is to make you feel motivated. I want to point out to you that by thinking about death, at least every now and then, you allow your mind to wonder and feel things that you normally wouldn’t. Because death is such a powerful and an intrinsic to our nature concept, thinking about it has an infinite potential.


How to Control Anger and Hate Towards Other People – Living Aware

The path of self-development is definitely not the easiest one to pursue. There are literally hundreds and thousands of things that should be changed within us. We realise that to be successful we should be more confident, brave, productive, etc. But what about the deeper self that we might have missed out on? What about all of those thoughts that confuse, irritate and anger us at others? Do they not slow down our development? In fact, when we go down the path of success and virtue, we may easily be misled into thinking that we are better than others. We begin to separate people into those that are with us, and those that are against us. Anger or hate becomes a common state of mind. And because I find this to be such a harmful quality to have, in this post I will talk about how to control anger and hate towards other people.


How the Right Thoughts Can Help to Preserve a Long-Lasting Healthy Relationship

As we begin dating someone new, we get into what I like to call the “sugary” phase of a relationship. This phase is all about emotions and feelings (and love hopefully), and has very little rational mind to it. It feels like a dream that will never end. This is especially the case for young couples that are just getting into their first relationship.

As time passes, the chemistry starts to fade away, and this is where real hard work comes into play. A long-lasting relationship is not all about romance and physical love, but also about learning to trust the other person, being beside them when they need us most, listening, understanding and respecting them, making sacrifices for them, and many other. If these qualities are not met, it probably isn’t a healthy relationship.


Happiness Exercise One: Awareness and Gratitude

As I was leaving my brother’s place, I felt a little sad and depressed, a lack of happiness in my life. I had visited him to watch the ice hockey world cup semifinal game, where Russia had lost. This wasn’t in any way a big loss for me personally, but my mood was a little off. Many of you sports fans can relate to this, I am sure. Long story short, it was getting late and I took off home. As I walked out of the building that my brother lives in, I noticed that I felt a little empty. I can’t say that everything is perfect in my life at the moment, and just like with everyone else, if I choose to, I can get sad over very many things in a matter minutes. I chose not to.