For a very long period of time, I was convinced that materialism and spirituality cannot co-exist. In fact, I thought that materialism is the direct opposite of spirituality, and that all materialists are inherently “shallow people”. With age, though, came new experiences and a new realization that the world is not as black and white as it may first appear to a teenager with a maximalist view of the world.
As a person that is very passionate about self-actualization, I believe that the topic of materialism and spirituality cannot be put aside. Self-actualization is all about becoming better and finding harmony, a balance in life between everything that it offers. Therefore, both, materialism and spirituality, should be handled with equal importance.
The aim of this post is to help those that might be having the same inner struggle that I once had. A struggle regarding the question of can materialism and spirituality co-exist in one person or can they not?