Tag: Self-improvement (page 4 of 12)

Overcome the Midlife Crisis: 11 Insanely Practical Tips

If you are in the fifth decade of your life and you can’t wrap your head around the sheer number of answerless questions –

If you have a feeling that you could have done a lot better with your spouse and your children (or, even worse, if you feel regrets over not having them) –

If you have a sudden urge to buy yourself a new car and an uncontrollable impulse to build yourself a smashing body (that’s not the gym, by the way) –

If you find yourself suddenly remorseful over your past life and much too aware of your own imminent mortality –


Don’t Wait! 5 Real Ways to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

Many of the topics and problems that I discuss on this blog are not a 100% familiar to me, which is why I often have to do a lot of research. But not today. The topic that I want to tackle this time – “how to overcome the fear of public speaking” – is as close to me as it can get.

Being afraid to speak in front of a crowd used to be one of my biggest fears. It accumulated over the course of my whole life, until it grew to the point in which I was no longer able to comprehend the idea of opening my mouth in front of a crowd without sweating profusely. The anxiety became unbearable.


Working Hard vs Working Smart: Learn to Make Real Progress

For every entrepreneur out there, it is common knowledge that in order to achieve something, you must work your ass off! Of course, this could be said more softly, but it wouldn’t get across the image of how much work your dreams really require. Any “entrepreneur” that tells you that you can make big money without much work is lying to you.

That being said, people often get caught up in the idea that if they work hard enough or long enough, they will become successful. I also used to think this way, and unfortunately, it’s not true, at least not entirely. Why? Because there exists the concept of working hard vs working smart.


How to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable – You Have No Choice

How to get comfortable being uncomfortable? For some people, being uncomfortable is a major obstacle in life. It prevents them from ever taking that very first step. Others prefer to think that only they feel uncomfortable, and that it doesn’t concern those people that are already highly successful.

Of course, nothing can be further from the truth. Being uncomfortable when taking on new challenges is a feeling that absolutely everyone has. However, what differs certain individuals from the rest is that they don’t allow their fears to control their life. They’ve learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable.


Finding Life Purpose: 10 Crucial Questions to Ask Yourself

In one of my previous posts, I shared the story of how I was finally able to let go of old habits and make a leap forward in life. After having made many unsuccessful attempts, I was able to approach change with a new mindset. A lot of what had to do with this was being able to see the bigger picture, a purpose in life.

Below are the ten finding life purpose questions that can also help you. When asking these questions, don’t forget to write your answers down. This is very important because your very first answer is often also the one that is most genuine.