Tag: The mind (page 3 of 6)

10 Ways to Develop an Attitude of Gratitude and to Be Happier

Every so often life becomes overwhelming. Things begin to pile up on top of each other, and the bright colors that were once there, start to fade. Waking up with a smile on your face and a sense of purpose becomes more and more difficult.

These periods of life are not rare, and many of us get to experience them. Nevertheless, when they do come around, it’s important to hang in there and to stay positive. Know that everything in life passes, including the difficult times.

I’ve put together for you a list of ten ways to develop the attitude of gratitude. These are things that you can always feel grateful for even in the most difficult of moments. If you know anyone else who might be needing an extra bit of encouragement, feel free to share this list with them as well.


12 Natural Alternatives to Treat Anxiety

When you are restless, can’t sleep, have racing thoughts, or otherwise feel on edge, chances are good that you’re dealing with some kind of anxiety. Anxiety is a struggle for many Americans, and for some people, the symptoms are so severe that the condition becomes debilitating.

Fortunately, it is possible to get relief for anxiety, and it doesn’t involve taking prescription drugs like benzodiazepines, which are risky substances that can lead to many unwanted side effects such as addiction. Benzodiazepine addiction can lead to withdrawal symptoms when the medication is stopped. It also carries the lethal risk of overdose. If you’re exploring safer options for anxiety relief, here are some natural (and much safer) alternatives to get relief from anxiety.


How Adopting a Rescue Cat Brought Happiness into My Life

After years of sadness and inner pain, I’ve overcome my crippling depression and am living a joy-filled life again.  The biggest catalyst for my full recovery was a black cat named Sulu.

I had suffered from clinical depression for years. Anyone who has been stuck in that dark hole knows how debilitating this illness is; unable to enjoy life, to join social events (even something like birthday parties and Valentine’s Day was depressing for me), to hold positive thoughts in your mind, to concentrate, to look towards the future, to rally the energy to do anything worthwhile. Inner pain slices like a knife at your guts,  a heavy blanket smothers your efforts, and the real world passes by as if viewed through the dirt-smudged window of a train.


How to Deal with Stress: 7 Proven Ways to Find Peace

Stress is one of those things that we all have to deal with from time to time. It may come from a heavy workload, from having too many exams side by side, from moving to another city or country, from a failed long-lasting relationship, or any other.

What’s really interesting about stress, though, is that while it may feel like it is a part of just about every activity and every time period of our life, some people experience almost no stress at all. “But how is that possible?”, you may ask. Don’t they have a family, a future and health to worry about? Or do they just not care? Well, just like any other person, they do care, but they also do a number of things on a daily basis that helps to reduce that unnecessary tension.

To really understand why some people stress and worry so much, while others don’t, you need to look a bit deeper into yourself as an individual, but also as a living organism that has evolved over time. To help you with this, please find below the list of points that you should take into consideration if you want to learn how to deal with stress and finally find peace.


Everything Is Relative – Life’s Mantra for Success

“Everything is relative” is a phrase I have heard since childhood, although most of the time it is used in the context of physics or even ethics. I always thought that the concept isn’t hard to grasp. However, as I grew and got older, I have come to the realization that this phrase has actually a much wider meaning. It doesn’t just affect some parts of life, but all of them, hence the word “everything”.