Tag: The mind

Motivation in Entrepreneurship: 5 Tips on How to Stay Focused in Business

So, you decided to become a full-time entrepreneur to finally start living life the way you want it? After all, you’ve read so many stories of how people start a business to make good money and even live the notorious “laptop lifestyle”. “Sweet”, you thought to yourself. “I can do that”, you nodded.

You start off your business journey with hyper-motivation and it seems as if you can keep working forever. But unfortunately, as they say, what goes up must come down, especially in the business world, when things begin to look a bit more difficult than they seemed at first.


Let’s See How CBD Works in the Brain and Body

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a chemical substance in the Cannabis plant, also known as marijuana or hemp. CBD is non-habit forming and non-psychoactive. Thus, making it usable for people to consume it to improve overall health.

CBD helps in the treatment of seizure disorder or epilepsy. It is also useful for anxiety, pain, muscle disorder, and many other conditions. However, these uses are not scientifically proven.


Feeling Miserable? 10 Tips on How to Avoid Loneliness

Not so long ago, a member of our Facebook group dedicated to self-development, asked a question, “what do you do to combat loneliness?” Being helpful, quite a few of us jumped in to share some thoughts on the subject.

After having seen some very insightful answers, I decided that the subject of “loneliness” deserves more attention and needs to be taken outside of the group’s boundaries.

After all, who of us has never been lonely? Who of us has never felt miserable because of moving to a new area with no friends around, losing a close relative or being thrown out of a long-term relationship? Those that get to experience the joy of life, will also inevitably feel sad, lonely and miserable from time to time.


How to Deal with Anxiety Attacks: 10 Truths You Need to Know!

Because of the continuously growing complexity of the world that we live in, more and more people suffer from different mental “disorders”, anxiety becoming one of the most common of them.

As a person that has had to deal with anxiety for a large part of my life, I know firsthand how devastating this problem can get, making some of the most basic tasks in life, inexplicably horrifying.

The good news, however, is that you can learn how to deal with anxiety attacks. Anxiety is not something that you have to live with forever. It’s not set in stone, nor is it a prison ball and chain that you will have to drag behind you for the rest of your life. And why do I say this? Because I am living example of a person that has managed to take anxiety so much under control that I hardly ever notice it. It’s become a vague shadow of what it used to be in the past.


Things to Avoid While Trekking for the First Time

The Human race in the 21st century is sadly about punching the keyboard in a cubbyhole and coming home feeling dog-tired. People are living a life of lies, following a false narrative, and operate upon their delusions. There is a need to run away from this devilish energy and hullaballoo. What is the way out then?

Amidst the chaos, people find solace in the wrap of beautiful destinations, retreats and solo activities. Every single emotion needs an outlet and every human being needs peace to face their fears. You cannot triumph over your ego in an environment that gives you nothing but stress, anger, and frustration. People prefer heading over to popular destinations and do activities that enliven their dormant soul. Especially, the millennial generation shows keen interest in adventure activities.