Self-confidence is an integral element of Yoga and its teachings. The principles of Yoga are based on the theory of making one self-possessed enough to prevail in the world of troubles and challenges. Serving human generations for more than 5000 years, the spiritual science of Yoga has contributed hugely in the mental and physical development of humans. Almost all yogic exercises and theories focus on being positive and constructive in nature. One’s self-esteem is of enormous importance not only while practicing Yoga but also in executing the yogic principles in life. Especially in this world of workaholic environment, staying pumped up all the time is the real challenge.
Have a look at following Yoga poses that are very effective in boosting one’s confidence.
Navasana is one of the very popular Yoga exercises having tremendous benefits for the health and wellness of the mind and body. Navasana is all about balance, which is a key element in one’s way to self-confidence. The body sits on the buttocks with the upper body and legs making a 120-degree angle between them at the pelvis. Along with strengthening the thighs and hips, the asana is one of the best exercises for boosting the digestive processes in the body. Abdominal muscles are stretched in a nice way and so are the digestive organs. The arms are parallel to the ground in the air giving them good stretching.
Confidence is all about body language. When your body language is correct, people see you with a different angle. Dhanurasana is probably the best Yoga exercise that can help you in posture building by opening up the chest and other body parts in an awesome way. Also known as Bow Pose, thanks to the shape of the body like a bow during the practice, its practice begins by lying on the mat by the belly. Raise your foot up in the air and take the hands behind your body to clutch your toes above the spine. In addition to sponsoring the circulation of blood in the body, Dhanurasana is a great physical practice for bringing strength to the bones and muscles.
Lord Shiva is the greatest creator as well as a destroyer in the whole universe. He is an embodiment of the power on this planet. Acquire that power of the ultimate yogi Shiva while indulging in the beautiful exercise of Natarajasana, which is the principal style of Adiyogi. Also known as Lord of the dance pose, it is a one-legged pose and is extremely effective in instilling a sense of assertiveness in the brain. Stand straight on the ground. Lower your body in the forward direction in such a way that the knees remain unbent and the upper body comes parallel to the ground. In the process, lift your left thigh away from the floor to bring the ankle above the buttocks. Keeping the right hand in line with the body, fetch your left hand behind to clutch the outer left toe.
Sirsasana is an amazing Yoga practice that is filled with some beautiful benefits. It is one of the best Yoga asanas for nurturing the brain in an ideal way. Self-confidence comes from an intelligent mind, which Sirsasana promises to offer to practitioners. The exercise is known as headstand in English because of its position that looks like standing on the head. The elbows support the body in the pose with the upper hands are completely on the ground to make more surface area for making the practice perfect. The mind comes with a fresh start every time you practice this asana. Make this asana a habit to see yourself as a courageous person.
The challenges that Koundinyasana presents to the practitioner is loaded with enormous confidence and inner faith. Those, who have self-assurance can only perform this asana with perfection. Dedicated to Sage Koundinya, this exercise is extremely useful for strengthening the arms, thighs, and mental elements. The asana is practiced just on both palms with a thigh on the opposite arm and legs making a right angle between them in the air. This is an intensive exercise and requires previous preparations for performing it to perfection during the practice.
Since time immemorial, Meditation has been the principal practice of sages and saints. Meditation is all about controlling your mind and focusing on things that matter. The sacred Meditation practice, which is also known as Dhyana lets you forget everything that has the ability to deviate you from the correct path of success. Devote yourself into the beauty of Meditation and make your brain bold enough to fight with the challenges coming on the life’s path. Focus is the key when you are trying to cross through a difficult road and concentrating your mind in Meditation can help you do so.
Embrace the astonishing delight of these Yoga poses and attain mental strength and self-confidence to walk with boldness on the journey of life.
Photos courtesy of Kennguru and Lululemon Athletica.

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