Knowing how hard it can sometimes be to keep coming up with new ideas and writing for your blog, today I want to share with you a bit of a blogger motivation and give you a few tips on how to motivate yourself for blog writing. In case you feel like you may soon give up, I want to encourage you to keep going and to not lose hope. Blogging is, after all, a long-term game.

Why do we feel discouraged?

At first glance, blogging may seem like a very simple thing to do. “All that bloggers do is they write a bunch of content for their blog and then get paid for it.” This is, unfortunately, how some people see it and even use as an argument to get into blogging. It’s easy money, they think. Obviously, that’s extremely oversimplified and an insult to those that have put in years of hard work trying to grow their blog.

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The people that get into blogging with the mentality described above, fortunately, don’t usually last for more than a month or two. They very quickly realize that blogging is actually demanding, requires consistency, patience, and does not pay anything (at first). It’s just too much work with nothing in return.

The reason why I describe this case is because I want to stress the importance of having a healthy outlook towards blogging. If it would be as easy as some want to think, then every second person would be blogging and earning a living that way.

cat discouraged

On the other hand, because blogging is something hard that you dedicate yourself to, it’s completely normal to feel discouraged at times and to feel like you’re not getting anything in return. I’ve been there multiple times throughout my blogging journey and can totally relate. That’s the main reason I wanted to share with you this blogger motivation.

But to go deeper, let’s look at the reasons why you may feel discouraged. The possible solutions to these causes will also be discussed a bit later on.

Not receiving traffic

Not receiving (enough) traffic is the most common issue that all bloggers face.

As someone starting a blog from scratch, you will not have any traffic in the beginning. And as a blogger, you will need to grow that traffic through writing posts, writing guest posts for other blogs, being active on social networks and various other internet sites. There are many different ways to do it, but it all takes time.

The speed with which your traffic will grow depends on your niche, how much SEO you apply, how much content your blog has and how interesting that content is to the reader.

No interaction from readers

Sometimes we need a bit of blogger motivation when we feel like no one cares about what we write. For example, you use Google Analytics and see that people are visiting your blog, but you also see that they don’t stick around for long.

Blogger Motivation: How to Motivate Yourself for Blog Writingchat

Additionally, no one is leaving you any comments and no one is signing up for your email list. All of this can make you feel as if you are writing only for yourself.

Running out of ideas to write about

At some point, it may feel like you are running out of ideas to write about, especially if you have already created a 100 different posts on your niche’s subject.

I, for example, knew that running out of things to write about would be a problem for me, which is why I chose such a broad niche (self-development), and am now writing about blogging. 🙂

Tired of writing

I won’t lie, writing can sometimes exhaust me. If there is something I need more blogger motivation with, then it’s definitely this part.

Not making money

I always say that blogging is an amazing hobby that can eventually make you a lot of money. However, the problem with this is that people don’t know when that “eventually” will come. The focus is set only on the end goal while not appreciating the journey at all. As a result, they become too impatient too quickly and give up.

The temptation to quit will be greatest just before you are about to succeed.
– Bob Parson

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How to motivate yourself

We’ve gone through some of the reasons why you may feel discouraged about blogging. Now let’s take a look at how to motivate yourself when that motivation is at low.

Publishing schedule

If you want to understand how to motivate yourself, the very first thing you should do is create a publishing schedule. Having a publishing schedule means knowing when and what you will be doing with your blog.

Blogger Motivation: How to Motivate Yourself for Blog Writing calendar

For example, every Monday I write a blog post. On Monday I also make a YouTube video to go with the blog post if I have time left. If not, I make that video on Tuesday. On Tuesday, I also proofread my blog post and publish it to the world. On Wednesday, I spend some time marketing that blog post on social media and other websites. For the rest of the week I am free from blog work, unless, of course, I feel like doing more.

There are a few reasons why having a publishing schedule is an absolute must.

First of all, by having a schedule, you eliminate procrastination. I know that I need to write on Monday, so I will spend Monday writing. If I would not have a schedule, I could procrastinate the writing up to Friday (done it many times in the past).

Secondly, because I do everything according to my schedule and on time, I am able to have 4, sometimes 5, days off of blog writing, which is enough time for me to rest.

Without a schedule, I could have easily procrastinated and spread my blog work throughout the 7 days, making it a never-ending job. Would I feel exhausted and tired of blogging then? Absolutely! Trust me, having a publishing schedule is something every blogger needs to have. It kills procrastination and grows that blogger motivation.

Batch your topics

I never wonder what to write about on the day of writing. I always have at least 5 different topics/titles ready at hand.

Previously, I mentioned the importance of having a schedule. Well, one thing you can add to that schedule is having one day a month in which you do nothing from the blog work except coming up with blog topics to write about.

batch your topics

Get ideas from your competition, use Google Trends and other resources to come up with ideas and titles to use for your future blog posts. Because the task can actually be time-consuming, you don’t want to do it on the same day as when you write. On your writing day, you want to focus only on making quality content.

Recommended: 4 Ways to Come up with Blog Ideas That Make Money

Write shorter posts

I encourage people to write long blog posts to maximize the rankings with Google search engine results. However, if you are having trouble figuring out how to motivate yourself, every once in a while, you can create a shorter blog post or even have a week off.

I personally never take a week off, but I do sometimes make short, 1000 word, blog posts. It may still sound like much to some, but after you’ve been blogging for some time, 1000 words become very doable, even when you don’t feel like it.

Don’t put all eggs in one basket

Some people focus on blogging as a source of income right from the start. They leave their job and begin to live on their savings, hoping to start making money from blogging very soon. If you ask me, this kind of approach is a recipe for failure.

As already mentioned, blogging is a long-term game. You don’t start making money with it immediately. No one does. But those that are willing to be patient, eventually will be successful.

If you see that your negative attitude and lack of motivation are directly linked to you not being able to make money from writing, then I suggest you stop looking at blogging as a source of income altogether. Focus on something else instead, something that can sustain your life financially while you continue to grow your blog.

Don’t focus on the end result – something that you don’t yet have. Focus on the process of growing your blog and try to enjoy it as much as possible. If you blog from your heart and you truly care about what you do, the money will always follow. Just not right away.

Facebook groups and accountability buddies

If you can find someone to be your blogger motivation accountability partner, that’s fantastic. You can share ideas with each other, your experiences with blogging, and make sure that you both are on schedule. This is the best-case scenario.

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However, if you can’t find anyone to be your accountability buddy, but you still would like to be around like-minded people, then I suggest you join some online blogger communities.

For example, Facebook has plenty of groups dedicated to blogging. I have been a part of many, and have found plenty of value in them.

I also encourage you to join our “Growth Evolution Development – Become Your Best Self” group. It’s not only about blogging and how to motivate yourself for blog writing, but rather about everything related to self-development, including blogging. It’s free, and I am sure you will find the support and motivation you need. You are very welcome there.

This was it for the blogger motivation. Hopefully, you found the post useful and now understand how to motivate yourself. And if you have some feedback or questions for me, please let me know in the comment section below. I love reader interaction and I promise to reply! 😉

Thank you for stopping by and good luck!

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