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How to Monetize a Blog in 2023: 9 Pro Tips

Today I want to discuss with you one very important topic that will come across in absolutely every single person’s mind that is thinking of making money as a blogger. The question is – “how to monetize a blog (in 2023)?”

You may be thinking that I added the “2023” year into the title just for clickbait, but that’s not the case, not at all. Despite people asking this very same question all the time, blog monetization does really differ from year to year. 


How to Become a Blogger and Make Money

We can probably all imagine ourselves being popular bloggers making a ton of money. And it’s true, we’ve heard those stories of how some people make millions, but how exactly do they do it as bloggers? What are their strategies? How do they grow so big while so many other blogs fizzle out? All of these questions can be summed up into one single question – “how to become a blogger and make money?”


How to Promote a Blog: Top 10 Effective Strategies

Knowing how to promote a blog is not difficult, yet based on what I see online, it is one of the most popular questions asked at blogging forums.

As a result, I have decided to share my top 10 most effective strategies on how I personally promote my blog. Hopefully, I will be able to share with you something new and useful today. Enjoy!


WordPress White Screen of Death: 6 Reasons and Fixes

You’ve probably come here because you encountered the infamous WordPress white screen of death and are panicking. You don’t know what to do. Worry not my friend, you’ve come to the right place. I will try to do my best to help you solve your problem and prevent it from happening in the future again.

But before we get into the details of this nightmare, few things need to be made clear.

First of all, always backup your WordPress website. Some hosting providers do it for you, but if it comes at an extra cost that you don’t want to pay, at least copy the code of your website onto your computer. That is the bare minimum.


Create a Business Email Address for Free! Bluehost + Mac Setup

Let’s face it, having a paid website with a custom domain name (URL) gives a lot more credibility to your brand than a free website.

A website called example.com sounds a lot better than a website called example.wordpress.com or example.blogspot.com. Both of these “subdomains” indicate that the website is hosted for free by those platforms, which usually means that your business is not serious.