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How to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable – You Have No Choice

How to get comfortable being uncomfortable? For some people, being uncomfortable is a major obstacle in life. It prevents them from ever taking that very first step. Others prefer to think that only they feel uncomfortable, and that it doesn’t concern those people that are already highly successful.

Of course, nothing can be further from the truth. Being uncomfortable when taking on new challenges is a feeling that absolutely everyone has. However, what differs certain individuals from the rest is that they don’t allow their fears to control their life. They’ve learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable.


Finding Life Purpose: 10 Crucial Questions to Ask Yourself

In one of my previous posts, I shared the story of how I was finally able to let go of old habits and make a leap forward in life. After having made many unsuccessful attempts, I was able to approach change with a new mindset. A lot of what had to do with this was being able to see the bigger picture, a purpose in life.

Below are the ten finding life purpose questions that can also help you. When asking these questions, don’t forget to write your answers down. This is very important because your very first answer is often also the one that is most genuine.


How to Change Your Life – The Very First Thing You Must Do

How to change your life? This is the question I often asked myself when being in a place that I no longer wanted to be.

It all started at an early age, at an age in which I was carefree of what the future would bring. I was a rebel in the family, going against everything that they wanted me to be. They said “no”, I said “yes”.

As I aged, I spent more and more time outside, going to parties and having fun. I would return home late, more often than not, intoxicated. Of course, I loved all of it then.

But with time, I realized that my careless attitude had become a habit, a lifestyle that I really had no control of anymore. I was living it for too long, and it began to exhaust me.


Your Guide on How to Escape Stress in the Workplace Creatively

Each and every day I come across the same topic whether I want it or not. Wherever I go, here and there, people are moaning about their routine work, angry boss and total dissatisfaction with the duties. Be it my friends and relatives or some total strangers in public transport, whose talk I become a random witness of, the story is always the same: “you know what? I’m so tired of that. Every day is a Groundhog day – get up in the morning looking for that day to finish.. actually, all the working days to finish and weekends to start. I hate my job.” Or something like: “can’t stand my clients/partners/colleagues, they are always dissatisfied with what we do”.


How to Be True to Yourself When It’s so Damn Hard

I will be honest with you, being true to yourself is not always an easy task. As a matter of fact, I think that being true to yourself today is harder than it has ever been. And the reason for that is the internet.

The internet, like it or not, has made all of us public figures to a certain extent. We have social network profiles through which we receive likes, dislikes, positive and negative comments, constructive and not so constructive criticism. We are basically out there for the world to judge us.

And for some of us, constant judgment is not something we are able to handle so well. Even the toughest of us, from time to time, are negatively affected by what others think and say about us. As a result, we change from who we genuinely are into somebody whom we think others will like more.