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The 3 Pillars of Self-Development – Your Road to Fulfillment

Self-development is one of the broadest subjects. For some of us, it has become a lifestyle, something that is with us 24/7. In the search for happiness, health and wealth, we try to completely immerse ourselves into it. We constantly read books, watch documentaries, buy programs and listen to smart people talk because we truly believe that all of that will help us move forward.

But do you ever feel like self-development is just exhausting you? Do you ever feel like you have had enough, that you just want to relax and be able to enjoy life doing nothing? To be completely honest with you, I know I do. When you work so hard, but see so little progress, it is only a matter of time before you get fed up. And that is the exact reason why everything should have a structure and be done in moderation, including self-development. In other words, we should avoid being fanatical about it.


Conventional Wisdom Creates Limiting Beliefs, Is the Enemy of Progress and a Dream Killer

When I work with people, one of our main goals is to find limiting beliefs in them. Limiting beliefs are beliefs that others either hold about themselves or the world around them. Those are the beliefs that prevent people from successfully moving towards their dreams. Simply put, limiting beliefs hold people back.

But to be completely honest with you, getting rid of a limiting belief is not hard at all. All you have to do is realize that you have one, become aware of it, and voila! That pretty much on its own solves the whole issue. But like I said, that isn’t hard; identifying the belief is.


How to Not Give a F*** About What Others Say – It’s Your Life, Live It the Way You Want To

We are amazingly good at killing off our motivation, progress, and success. We can wake up one morning, thinking that today is the day that we conquer the world and make our dreams a reality, but after having had our morning coffee, we realize that those were just empty thoughts. There are too many obstacles on the way and life’s just too hard in general. I mean, if all of what we dream was realistic, everyone would be doing it, right?

You are right about life. It is complicated, and it should be. If it would be easy, then success would not mean much to us. Things like fulfillment, would probably also not be existent. Only through hard work, persistence and dedication, we can experience true fulfillment in life. And by this, I mean the feeling that you get when you accomplish something great, which also leads to true happiness; not the happiness you get when you buy a new pair of sunglasses or eat out.


How to Be More Attractive in 15 Steps – Your Must-Have Guide

It’s not a secret that we often get judged by our appearance. The way we look, act, talk and even smell, are the first things through which others will experience us. And while in the long run, people may change their opinion about us towards the better or worse, it can be quite important to make that first positive impression, especially in situations, such as a job interview. In fact, many studies have shown that professionalism is commonly judged by appearance.

Due to the importance of this topic, I have put together a guide of how to be attractive. These are the 15 steps you need to make sure you are taking in order to create a positive image of yourself.


Let Go of the Past – There Is So Much More to See and Experience in Life!

Regardless of our optimism, we all from time to time fall into negative thought loops. It may be caused by an ending relationship, the loss of a job, death of a loved one, or any other. It may feel dark, discouraging, and as if there is nothing good ahead of us. And although these thought patterns are not rare, and can even be considered to an extent as normal, we should nevertheless get rid of them as soon as possible. If this kind of emotional stress is not taken care of in a timely manner, it will make us sick and depressed. Simply put, we must learn to let go of the past and to keep moving forward.