How to Use Affirmations to Create the Life of Your Dreams

In this post, I would like to talk about how to use affirmations to create the life of your dreams.

The reason why I use such a strong statement – the life of your dreams – is because I truly believe in the power of affirmations. As a matter of fact, I can’t imagine my life and all of the things that I have been able to accomplish so far without affirmations. Affirmations to success are like oxygen is to life.

You are probably aware that every single action in life, excluding reflexes, begins with a thought. If we want to pick up our hand, we first need to make the decision to do so. Of course, while smaller actions are completed in the blink of an eye, the more complicated ones need more time and mental effort.

For example, sometimes when we feel really comfortable, lying on the bed wrapped in a blanket, it may be challenging to get up and go to the toilet, even when we really need to. But, sooner or later, pressure to the bladder helps us to overcome the laziness.

This is a rather clear and straightforward example, something that we all can relate to from time to time. But what about the more challenging tasks?

Take starting a business, changing career path, losing weight, or any other major event in your life. You know you really want to go for it, but there is just so much effort involved. New information, lack of experience, possible failure, loss of free time and money, judgment from others, etc., all of these things are on our way.

Nevertheless, sometimes we are able to overcome these obstacles. We do it by jointly using hope, imagination and affirmations. After all, that’s all there is at our disposal in the beginning. Money, joy and fulfillment come at a much later stage.

By using our imagination and hope, we see with our mind’s eye what it will be like on the other side, once we do succeed. If we are creative and our hope is strong enough, fear loses its grip and we are able to move forward in life and to achieve the things that we want to achieve.

Unfortunately though, many underestimate the power of the mind and do not know how to use affirmations for their benefit. The funniest part is that it requires so little effort, but the effect is incredibly powerful.

To understand better how to use affirmations, follow the steps below:

1. Decide on the task

The first step of how to use affirmations is deciding on the task to be completed. It can be in the near or distant future.

When you think of tasks, don’t worry whether they are easy or difficult, short or long-term. Affirmations understand none of that. They work well with all tasks.

2. Identify the problem and create the affirmation

The second step of how to use affirmations is to identify the problem, issue or weakness and to create the affirmation.

When you have come up with a goal for yourself, identify the biggest issue that is holding you back or complicating the process of making that goal a part of your reality.

Is it fear of change? Fear of failure? Lack of confidence? Fear of making that first step? Is it the lack of belief in yourself? Is it your past that you can’t let go of? Lack of money maybe? Whatever it is, try to identify it.

Once you have established that problem for yourself, reverse it in such a way that makes it sound positive. For example, lack of confidence can be expressed as “I am a very confident man/woman”. Fear of failure turns into “I will succeed no matter what”. Bad past experiences can shift to “Past does not equal future. It does not affect who I am today. I am free to live without the past affecting me.” Lack of money can be as simple as “I am wealthy.” Not only you are shifting your brain to believe that you have money in abundance, but you are also using the Law of Attraction.

3. Repeat the affirmation

The third step of learning how to use affirmations is repetition.

Once you know your problem and you have created the affirmation, you must write it down in your journal. Writing down your goals and affirmations is crucial, just like writing anything else down that you are planning to take seriously and with full responsibility. I always say that if you haven’t written your goal down, you don’t have a goal.

Now it’s time to repeat it. Repeat it whenever you can and wherever you can, in your mind and out loud. I, for example, like to hold breaks every fifty minutes when I work. Out of the ten minutes that I do nothing, five minutes I can spend repeating the affirmation. It creates a nice boost of motivation.

If you have troubles remembering that you need to be repeating your affirmations, set an alarm clock on your phone and use sticky notes wherever you can, on your fridge, desk at home, desk at work and even in your car. Remember, for the affirmations to work, you must repeat them on a daily basis.

Also, you may consider the NLP anchoring technique. I use it every once in a while and have found it to be quite effective when used in conjunction with affirmations.

Finally, consider meditating with your affirmations. I understand that no everyone meditates, but I highly recommend for you to look into it if you don’t do so yet. Meditation is a great way to further adjust your brain and solidify your affirmations.

Please understand that repeating affirmations is not a way to delude yourself. By repeating them you are actually training your mind to work in a different way. Think of it as rewiring or reprogramming the mind.

Just like we need to train our muscles for them to grow, we can use affirmations to enhance our brain in a certain direction. In fact, neurobiology calls our ability to change the brain through behavior and thoughts as “neuroplasticity”. It’s a real deal, not some “broscience”. 🙂

Hopefully, this post has made you a little more knowledgeable on the topic of how to use affirmations. Now you know how to apply them in life.

If you have a positive experience with affirmations, would you mind sharing them with me in the comment section below? I would be really interested in hearing how they have impacted your life.

In any case, thank you for stopping by and good luck!

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  1. Really Nice Post…!

  2. This works! It starts with the mind… Thanks for sharing…

  3. affirmation is commitment and that’s what you are saying. you are right. you are damn right.

  4. Kimberly Rood

    April 15, 2018 at 13:42

    Thank you for sharing this info! I really believe in affirmations. I think they are so powerful and I like how you break this down into steps so you can focus on a specific area of your life!

  5. Elizevent Elli

    April 15, 2018 at 19:00

    So agree with your statement. Indeed, everything begins with a thought… Yes to decide and to have your “Why” filled with positive affirmetions are keys!

  6. i agree with you 🙂 affirmation is about consistency and commitment. thank you for sharing this information and suggestions 🙂

  7. Sondra Barker

    April 16, 2018 at 10:05

    This is great! Affirmation definitely takes commitment.

    Xo, Sondra

  8. Minakshi Bajpai

    April 16, 2018 at 12:02

    Never knew such facts about affirmations. It sounds really helping. Thanks for sharing this insightful post.

  9. Meditation to realize affirmation is what I always do. Works sometimes other times it doesn’t, but thank you for this info. It will surely help.

  10. Sindhuja Kumar

    April 16, 2018 at 17:45

    I really needed this today.. I love the idea of customizing the affirmations as per the task.

  11. I am a goal setter and do well with writing things down. But I’m still limited with what I deem possible. Need these affirmations!

  12. Shraddha Tripathi

    April 17, 2018 at 11:47

    I needed this. actually everyone need this sometimes in life. Very motivating.I love affirmations.

  13. Loved the article.. Its all in our brain.. when we dream of something and put effort in that direction, anything is possible .. affirmations are a great way of keeping that positive vibe alive

  14. Blair Villanueva

    April 17, 2018 at 12:33

    If you believe to each of your affirmation, all the positive energy will lead you to get what you want. Have strong faith and work hard.

  15. I love this, how strong an affirmation can be!! I need to learn to use them in my daily routine!

  16. I think it’s easy to get down on ourselves far too often. I do like how you focus on the positive things that will help you complete your goals. Just need to remember to think about it daily. But great ideas here.

  17. I have friends that are very into affirmation. I believe you have not because you ask not, so why not ask and believe you will get it.

  18. These are sooooo good!!!! Saving for a rainy day 🙂

  19. Khushboo Wase

    April 18, 2018 at 20:31

    that’s a very inspiring and informative post.. thanks for sharing this with us

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