Tag: Awareness (page 10 of 13)

6 Real Reasons to Keep a Daily Journal – Living in Awareness

Some of my readers may think that keeping a daily journal is what only little girls do, but don’t be so quick to judge. I will try to convince you that keeping a daily journal is something that each one of us should do if we are seriously looking into changing the quality of our life.

There are mainly two reasons why I decided to bring this topic up and to share it with others. The first reason lies in the fact that keeping a daily journal has tremendously changed me in a positive way in so many different areas of life. The second reason is that the majority of people out there underestimate the power of journaling. We tend to think that keeping a journal has no real practical implications to it, and therefore no use of having one. And even when we do understand the potential of journaling, we procrastinate and are too lazy to do it.


10 Examples Where the Power of Positive Thinking Kicks Ass!

Every so often we come across situations in life that seem like a disaster. They may be related to your love life, your career, family, hobbies or simply daily little chores. And when these things happen, we are usually taken over by sorrow or sadness. On other occasions, we may feel angered and bury ourselves in negative emotions that really do us no good in the long run. To overcome this in the best possible way, we must learn to use positive thinking to our advantage at all times.


What Our Parents Never Told Us About Time

I don’t know about you, but when I was a kid, my parents used to tell me that life is short and that time flies fast. “In a blink of an eye you will become a grown-up”, they said. But to be honest, that never really caught my attention. The most important thing that my parents forgot to tell me is why all of that mattered. So what if time flies fast? So what if I become a grown-up soon? I want to become a grown-up so that I could already make my own decisions!

I was also told that when I became older, their words would make more sense to me. It’s true, now the do. But I just wish that they could have spent more time explaining why the ticking clock makes such a difference.


How to Stop Worrying – 5 Everyday Things You Can Do to Make Life Easier

I am not going to pretend I am this confident personality that always has everything under control. No, on the contrary, I tend to get nervous quite a lot. The problem exists partially because I was brought up this way, and partially because I have caused it to myself. Instead of learning to control my fear, throughout most of my life I have been trying to avoid it. Those life experiences that could have served to make me more confident, I decided to run away from, thereby putting myself under more pressure and falling deeper into the anxiety hole. And even though my story is full of ups and down, the past few years have become exceptional, and have allowed me to develop myself greater than ever. As a result, I have been able to minimize anxiety to the bare minimum, at least in comparison to what it used to be. Those of you that want to find the answer to how to stop worrying from daily small and big problems, please stay with me for a little longer. I will do my best to share with you the best of what I have learned.


Never Give Up – The Power of Positive and Negative Motivation

Today I want to talk to you about 3 things: positive motivation, negative motivation and the fact that you should never give up!

Every so often, every one of us feels sick and tired of the things we pursue. In fact, giving up is that final step you take before you find yourself at square one. Of course, there is always the experience of having tried something new, but not all of us know how to look beyond the grief of failure. Remember – there is no failure, only feedback. With this attitude, you will be able to go a lot further in life.