Tag: Awareness (page 5 of 13)

How to Overcome the Fear of Failure Once and for All

Fear is something that is deeply integrated into us and something that we need in order to stay alive. Fear is what kept our ancestors from dying out by not allowing them to play around with lions or jumping off a cliff. However, because fear is not a choice, it often works against us, especially in the world we live in today.

Please read on to better understand how to overcome the fear of failure in everyday life.


Finding Life Purpose: 10 Crucial Questions to Ask Yourself

In one of my previous posts, I shared the story of how I was finally able to let go of old habits and make a leap forward in life. After having made many unsuccessful attempts, I was able to approach change with a new mindset. A lot of what had to do with this was being able to see the bigger picture, a purpose in life.

Below are the ten finding life purpose questions that can also help you. When asking these questions, don’t forget to write your answers down. This is very important because your very first answer is often also the one that is most genuine.


How to Induce Lucid Dreaming – Your Quick Guide

Not so long time ago I wrote a post on astral projection and lucid dreaming. It was a story of how these phenomena came into my life, and how they are some of the most wonderful and extraordinary things that we, as human beings, can experience. I explained the difference between the two concepts, and what impact they can have on our lives.

However, after finishing the post, I realized that I wrote almost nothing about the techniques of how to induce lucid dreaming.

Lucid dreaming, just like any other skill, is something that can be learned, improved and mastered with time. This is me talking from experience and from what I have seen in other people.


You Really Think the Internet Today Is Any Better Than the TV?

I was born in the year 1990, which meant that there was not much of internet back then. Of course, computers were already around, but because their capabilities weren’t yet all that great, people didn’t use them for the things they use them now. The internet as we know it today also came around only at a later stage.


Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail – Making Them Work

The New Year is approaching, which means it’s time to look back at everything that has happened to us during the year. Take a look at the good things, the bad things, the things we have learned and were able to overcome. Look at the people that we have met and the experiences that we have had. What do you feel?

If you are like most people, you have probably made some New Year’s resolutions last year. Do you remember them all? If so, how did it go? Did you lose weight, learn to play the guitar, meditate 10 minutes every day, started a business, read one book every week, donated to charities, get into a new school, find a job, visited parents more often, joined public speaking classes? How much did you accomplish?