Tag: Decision Making (page 5 of 8)

How to Change Your Life – The Very First Thing You Must Do

How to change your life? This is the question I often asked myself when being in a place that I no longer wanted to be.

It all started at an early age, at an age in which I was carefree of what the future would bring. I was a rebel in the family, going against everything that they wanted me to be. They said “no”, I said “yes”.

As I aged, I spent more and more time outside, going to parties and having fun. I would return home late, more often than not, intoxicated. Of course, I loved all of it then.

But with time, I realized that my careless attitude had become a habit, a lifestyle that I really had no control of anymore. I was living it for too long, and it began to exhaust me.


How to Stay Motivated When Things Go Bad

We all have a better life that we dream of, and we all have things that we want to accomplish and achieve. As a result, we create new and exciting ideas that motivate us and push to take action.

However, in order to live those dreams, it is not enough to just become motivated. We need to know how to stay motivated.

We all climb the mountain of success, during which it may seem as if nothing can go wrong, as if we finally made it. But unfortunately, life is like a rollercoaster, full ups and downs, full of surprises. No matter what you do, if it’s challenging enough, there will be moments of difficulty and despair. We are then faced with the problem of how to stay motivated when things are not going the way we planned them to.


Why New Year’s Resolutions Fail – Making Them Work

The New Year is approaching, which means it’s time to look back at everything that has happened to us during the year. Take a look at the good things, the bad things, the things we have learned and were able to overcome. Look at the people that we have met and the experiences that we have had. What do you feel?

If you are like most people, you have probably made some New Year’s resolutions last year. Do you remember them all? If so, how did it go? Did you lose weight, learn to play the guitar, meditate 10 minutes every day, started a business, read one book every week, donated to charities, get into a new school, find a job, visited parents more often, joined public speaking classes? How much did you accomplish?


Conventional Wisdom Creates Limiting Beliefs, Is the Enemy of Progress and a Dream Killer

When I work with people, one of our main goals is to find limiting beliefs in them. Limiting beliefs are beliefs that others either hold about themselves or the world around them. Those are the beliefs that prevent people from successfully moving towards their dreams. Simply put, limiting beliefs hold people back.

But to be completely honest with you, getting rid of a limiting belief is not hard at all. All you have to do is realize that you have one, become aware of it, and voila! That pretty much on its own solves the whole issue. But like I said, that isn’t hard; identifying the belief is.


How to Not Give a F*** About What Others Say – It’s Your Life, Live It the Way You Want To

We are amazingly good at killing off our motivation, progress, and success. We can wake up one morning, thinking that today is the day that we conquer the world and make our dreams a reality, but after having had our morning coffee, we realize that those were just empty thoughts. There are too many obstacles on the way and life’s just too hard in general. I mean, if all of what we dream was realistic, everyone would be doing it, right?

You are right about life. It is complicated, and it should be. If it would be easy, then success would not mean much to us. Things like fulfillment, would probably also not be existent. Only through hard work, persistence and dedication, we can experience true fulfillment in life. And by this, I mean the feeling that you get when you accomplish something great, which also leads to true happiness; not the happiness you get when you buy a new pair of sunglasses or eat out.