Tag: Income (page 5 of 13)

How to Make Money With a Blog for Beginners in 2023

So you’ve come here to find out how to make money with a blog for beginners? If so, awesome! I will do my best to share with you everything you need to know about the subject.

You may not know, but blogging is not just about writing text and getting paid for it. It’s so much more.

It’s about living the life of your dreams, doing something you love and helping other people. It’s about being your own boss, getting to decide when you want to work and from where. It’s also a way for you to spend more time with the people you care about and love. And finally, it’s a way out of your 9-5 job.

By starting a blog, you have the option to change your life forever. All you need to do is to believe in yourself and be persistent. DO NOT GIVE UP!


Six Life Lessons From a Decade in Sales

What image comes to mind when you think of sales?

Is it some slick-haired swindler in a cheap suit, circling a used car parking lot? Or a coked-out sleaze, fast-talking grandma out of her retirement?

That may seem harsh, but it’s not far from public perception. A colleague once described salespeople, “robots that regurgitate company slogans.” I didn’t know if she was joking or referring to Alexa.


My Digital Course Academy (DCA) Course Making Experience (2023)

Before we get into the details of course creation, I wanted to let you know that I have a separate updated Digital Course Academy review. I highly recommend that you have a look at it. There I share my initial thoughts on the course, the fears that I had before purchasing, as well as the reason why I went ahead and purchased it anyway.


How to Start a Business Mastermind Group the Right Way

If you have come here, you are most likely thinking of starting your own business mastermind group. Well, if that is so, then you have come to the right place.

Having been a part of other people’s mastermind groups and even led one of my own, I can say with all honesty that it is the most effective and quickest way to educate yourself and become an expert in some field. No other type of education can stand even close with a group of motivated, like-minded people that are working towards a definite purpose in a spirit of harmony.


How to Use Automated Video Courses as Part of a Sales Nurture Program

There is a lot you can do to transform your sales nurture program into one massive cash cow. You can set up drip emails, run contests, or do giveaways — you can even include polls and surveys to the mix so you can obtain helpful data to take your sales nurture program to the next level.

However, out of all the methods you can use, a lot of seasoned marketers would argue that publishing videos should be one of your go-to strategies to grow your client base. Automated video courses, for that matter, can do wonders for your sales nurture program.

Not only is it perfect for providing real value to your audience by educating them about how to address their pain points, but since this generation is inclined towards watching videos, your video courses will easily blend into your audience’s lifestyle — making your sales nurture program a seamless experience for them.