Tag: Income (page 4 of 13)

Top 10 Free WordPress Plugins That Every Blog Must Have!

Welcome to the list of top 10 free WordPress plugins that every blog must have. Happy to have you on board!

But before we jump to the list, please keep in mind that although most of the plugins here have a premium version available, I personally have not paid a cent for them. They are on this list because their FREE versions have absolutely everything we, bloggers, need.


How Much Money Does It Cost to Start a Blog (And Run It)?

So, you’ve come here because you want to know how much does it cost to start a blog? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get ahead with it and break down all of the blog costs, the necessary ones, and the optional ones.


What Is WordPress and How Does It Work – For Beginners

The old days of creating websites from scratch are over. You no longer need to call a web developer to help you out whenever you are looking to make the slightest change. Indeed, creating and updating your website this day has become easier than ever with the help of CMSs.

A CMS, also known as a content management system, is what has allowed the internet to flourish. Small companies, as well as starting bloggers, can now easily own their personal websites without having to spend all that money on their maintenance and support.


How to Find Readers for Your New Blog

No matter what will be the reasoning behind people telling you that blogging today is no different from blogging ten years ago, it’s not true. Usually, the people saying this are the ones that want to sell you another blogging gimmick, an online course, or are simply the ones that have been around too long to understand that blogging today is just not the same as it was when they started their journey.

Of course, I am not perfect either. I have also written plenty of blog posts around the question of how to find readers for your blog, the conventional way. Mostly, it requires googling around, finding old and popular blogs, and trying to imitate them while copying their keywords. Then, you go on spamming your blog’s links all over the internet, hoping that people will click through. Of course, there is more to the process, but you get the point. In my defense though, when I wrote about these techniques, they were a lot more effective and I was using them myself.


5 Benefits of Affiliate Marketing for Bloggers

It is no secret that regardless of why we start a blog, sooner or later, we will want to make money with it. Luckily, there are many different ways to do it. But today, I want to specifically discuss the benefits of affiliate marketing, which is known to be one of the best and most common ways to money online for bloggers. Enjoy!