Tag: internet (page 3 of 9)

Why Is Keyword Research Important and How to Grow Your Blog Fast

If you do blogging, then you must have heard how important keyword research is when it comes to growing your following. It lies at the core of Search Engine Optimization.

But keyword research goes far beyond just blogging. It is used throughout the whole of the internet all the time. And if your website is linked in any way to your business, then following the best practices of keyword research is simply a must. 


How to Create an Email List for Your Blog (And Which Tool to Use)

If you’ve ever read anything about blogging, I’m sure that you’ve come across a claim that “every blogger needs an email list!” While the importance of having an email list can be understood, not often you will find information explaining what exactly to do with that email list. Should I send news updates to subscribers? How often? What should I write about in the newsletter? And so on.


Top 10 Free WordPress Plugins That Every Blog Must Have!

Welcome to the list of top 10 free WordPress plugins that every blog must have. Happy to have you on board!

But before we jump to the list, please keep in mind that although most of the plugins here have a premium version available, I personally have not paid a cent for them. They are on this list because their FREE versions have absolutely everything we, bloggers, need.


How Much Money Does It Cost to Start a Blog (And Run It)?

So, you’ve come here because you want to know how much does it cost to start a blog? If so, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s get ahead with it and break down all of the blog costs, the necessary ones, and the optional ones.


Why Do Entrepreneurs Start Businesses

My parents always told me that the only way to live comfortably is to do what all the smart kids do, meaning, to get a university degree and then find a well-paying job. S-T-A-B-I-L-I-T-Y, they said. I listened, and, as you can imagine, I followed their advice.

In a way, I was conditioned to believe that business is only for the “chosen” or “special” ones. This meant that either you would need to be born into an already wealthy family or be extremely lucky, which in my opinion, are pretty much the same thing. The idea of taking risks and working hard towards personal success in the context of business, in my mind, did not exist… until I got my university degree.