Tag: People

Top 100 Inspirational Quotes for Writing & Motivation

Just like painters and musicians, writers need inspiration to produce something great. Unfortunately, not always that inspiration is easy to find. And when that inspiration does lack for a long period of time, a person may experience what is known as “Writer’s Block”.

Writer’s Block, simply put, is when a writer is incapable of coming up with new ideas to write about no matter how hard they try. Whether they are poets, journalists, or even bloggers, all types of writers struggle with this from time to time.


What to Do When Someone Is Better Than You? – Dealing with Jealousy

What to do when someone is better than you and dealing with jealousy… Let’s face it, it’s one of the most difficult feelings to handle and one of the most poisonous ones as well. While a feeling, such as anger, is very destructive to us, we at least understand that it’s wrong to be angry in most situations. Jealousy, on the other hand, is a lot more subtle and a lot harder to notice.

Unlike anger, we may feel that we have all the reasons to envy and/or be jealous, which takes us even further from the truth. It is a poison that prevents us from thinking rationally and therefore deteriorates us.


5 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Judgment and Be Free

In one of my previous posts, I wrote about how the fear of success can be holding you back, and you may not even know it. This time, I want to discuss another fear that is a lot more common and is just as damaging to personal success, if not more. That fear is the fear of judgment.Whenever you make the decision to do something new and different, like starting a business, moving to a different country, taking Karate lessons or playing the drums, you will most certainly become the subject of attention. Your parents, friends, co-workers and other people close to you, will inevitably begin to discuss your life.


What We Can Learn About Leaders from Their Speeches

You can tell a lot about a person from the words that they share. It’s true that actions speak louder than words, but words are still powerful and a great way to motivate your team and to inspire trust amongst your customers.

The greatest leaders have turned public speaking into a fine art, and it’s a good idea to follow in their footsteps if you want to create a company that stands the test of time. The good news is that there are plenty of great leaders out there that we can learn from, such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Barack Obama and Winston Churchill.


Don’t Wait! 5 Real Ways to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

Many of the topics and problems that I discuss on this blog are not a 100% familiar to me, which is why I often have to do a lot of research. But not today. The topic that I want to tackle this time – “how to overcome the fear of public speaking” – is as close to me as it can get.

Being afraid to speak in front of a crowd used to be one of my biggest fears. It accumulated over the course of my whole life, until it grew to the point in which I was no longer able to comprehend the idea of opening my mouth in front of a crowd without sweating profusely. The anxiety became unbearable.