Tag: People (page 2 of 3)

How to Be More Creative in Life: Follow These Steps to Improve

When we think of creativity, we mostly think about art and music, as these are the most obvious fields of life in which creativity plays a significant role. However, if you dig a bit deeper, you will come to the realization that creativity is actually everywhere. If not every field of life should use it, then every field definitely could use it.

By being more creative, you can make any dull activity – fun, a difficult period in life – easy, a mundane task – exciting, and a gray relationship – colorful again. Please find below the things you can do in order to learn how to be more creative in life.


9 Tips on How to Improve Communication Skills at Work and with Friends

Patience, persistence, dedication, courage, risk-taking and resilience are some of the traits that a successful person must possess. However, if you want to have success and be able to influence others, then it’s not enough. To get your ideas across and to win the hearts of people, you must also be a master at communication.

Take some of the most influential figures throughout history, even those that played a negative role. What was one of their core skills? That’s right – the ability to connect with people and to resonate with them. When these people spoke, the audience listened, understood and agreed.

But strong communication isn’t only for those that want to influence and lead. No, having good communication skills will help you in all fields of life, including being a good friend, a caring parent, and a loving husband or wife.

If you are interested in learning how to improve communication skills at work and life in general, then focus on these nine tips laid below.


6 Realistic Tips for Improving Your Team’s Digital Skills

In order to make your team more productive and achieve better results, you need to put together a sound digital system which will improve your team in many ways.

To improve the digital skills of your team here are a few tips.


Stop Using Sports for Politics and Hate! It’s to Unite, to Celebrate

To be honest, I never was a big fan of football (soccer, for those of you that are American). I’ve always been quite lousy with the ball myself, and Russia, the country that I am from, isn’t exactly great at it either. But because this year the FIFA World Cup was being held in Russia, and the team seemed to do better than it ever has, I decided to follow the event as much as possible.

What I witnessed both amazes and disgusts me. On the one hand, I see so much happiness and union between people from all over the world, having the time of their lives while celebrating and cheering for their own as well as other countries. But on the other hand, I see how the mass media has been using the event to build anger and hate between people. It’s just plain awful and ugly.

Yes, I know that politics have always been a part of sports and probably always will be, but the extent to which it has happened this year is just beyond my ability to rationalize it.


The 10 Main Differences of Successful People Vs. Unsuccessful People

Have you ever wondered what makes successful people so successful? Why is it that some people, no matter how hard they try, never seem to have any major success, while others have plenty of it? You could imagine that they were born with a set of special skills that others don’t have, or that they were born into a family with plenty of extra cash.

Of course, we could guess all day long, but the truth is that when we came to this planet, we all lacked the skills and knowledge we have today. Every single successful businessman and businesswoman once was a total novice with absolutely zero understanding of the things they are best at this day. We all once had to learn to walk and talk.