Tag: People (page 3 of 3)

How to Be More Attractive in 15 Steps – Your Must-Have Guide

It’s not a secret that we often get judged by our appearance. The way we look, act, talk and even smell, are the first things through which others will experience us. And while in the long run, people may change their opinion about us towards the better or worse, it can be quite important to make that first positive impression, especially in situations, such as a job interview. In fact, many studies have shown that professionalism is commonly judged by appearance.

Due to the importance of this topic, I have put together a guide of how to be attractive. These are the 15 steps you need to make sure you are taking in order to create a positive image of yourself.


Want to Change the World? Change Yourself First – The Rest Will Follow

We, humans, are extremely fascinating. On the one hand, we may believe that a single person cannot make a difference in the world. We think that a single person recycling materials, using less water, eating less meat or making a small donation, will not solve anything. But on the other hand, history has shown that it is always the individual that does incredible things. One person can lead thousands or even millions of people. Albert Einstein, Gandhi, Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Bill Gates and a countless amount of others are all examples of how an individual can make a huge difference in the world.

Unfortunately though, if you look more deeply into human behavior, it is obvious that we prefer controlling and changing others, as opposed to changing ourselves. We can dictate, but we rarely listen. So does this really create the changes that we so much we need in the world?


Learn to Give and Get Constructive Criticism the Right Way

Life without criticism is not life, especially when you are trying to develop and improve yourself. In fact, criticism is one of the biggest factors pushing us to change. The only problem with it is that often we are attacked with criticism when we do not need it. At other times, criticism is nothing more than a “diss” aimed to hurt us. This is called destructive criticism. As a result, we want to defend ourselves whenever we are criticized, even when real constructive criticism is offered.