Tag: Self-improvement (page 7 of 12)

What Is the Law of Attraction and How to Use It to Achieve Anything You Desire

The topic of this post is going to be the “Law of Attraction”. Some of you may immediately then ask, what is it? Worry not, I will explain what it is and how you can use it to change your life. But before I get into that, I want to mention that the Law of Attraction is something that has played a very significant role in my life. I also strongly believe that absolutely anyone trying to make their life better must know of the concept and take advantage of it.


10 Quotes About Why You Should Never Chase Happiness

We all have moments in life when things do not go as planned. It can be a broken relationship, loss of our job or the discovery of a new disease in our body. These things often come suddenly and catch us off guard. We simply cannot anticipate them.


Am I Living or Am I Alive? – The Question You Must Ask Yourself at Least Once.

Have you ever thought of the difference between living and being alive? Have you ever asked yourself am I living or am I alive? If you haven’t, then I encourage you to do so now. Take a pause from reading to just be still and think about it. Hopefully, your answer comes easily and satisfies you. But if it doesn’t, then you did the right thing asking it. You now have the opportunity to change that.


Nature vs Nurture: How to Be Successful in the World of Fear and Doubt

In psychology, there is an everlasting debate on what determines us more, nature or nurture. On the one hand, people believe that each one us is born with a set of genes that determines the way we look, act and feel towards the surrounding world. But on the other hand, there are a lot of reasons to think that the way we are brought up by our parents and the way we interact with the world, have a stronger impact on our identity and who we become.


How to Overcome Shyness and Become More Socially Confident

In this blog post, I won’t be talking about all the complicated and fancy tricks you can use to overcome shyness and become more socially confident. No, that can be found elsewhere, on websites dedicated to psychology or given to you by your psychiatrist. Instead, I want to share with you my own story of how I overcame this problem. Since I have direct experience of transitioning from a very shy and fearful child to a grown up that can easily handle a serious conversation with a stranger, I feel that my words are able to benefit you.