Tag: Social skills

5 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Judgment and Be Free

In one of my previous posts, I wrote about how the fear of success can be holding you back, and you may not even know it. This time, I want to discuss another fear that is a lot more common and is just as damaging to personal success, if not more. That fear is the fear of judgment.Whenever you make the decision to do something new and different, like starting a business, moving to a different country, taking Karate lessons or playing the drums, you will most certainly become the subject of attention. Your parents, friends, co-workers and other people close to you, will inevitably begin to discuss your life.


What We Can Learn About Leaders from Their Speeches

You can tell a lot about a person from the words that they share. It’s true that actions speak louder than words, but words are still powerful and a great way to motivate your team and to inspire trust amongst your customers.

The greatest leaders have turned public speaking into a fine art, and it’s a good idea to follow in their footsteps if you want to create a company that stands the test of time. The good news is that there are plenty of great leaders out there that we can learn from, such as Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King, Barack Obama and Winston Churchill.


9 Tips on How to Improve Communication Skills at Work and with Friends

Patience, persistence, dedication, courage, risk-taking and resilience are some of the traits that a successful person must possess. However, if you want to have success and be able to influence others, then it’s not enough. To get your ideas across and to win the hearts of people, you must also be a master at communication.

Take some of the most influential figures throughout history, even those that played a negative role. What was one of their core skills? That’s right – the ability to connect with people and to resonate with them. When these people spoke, the audience listened, understood and agreed.

But strong communication isn’t only for those that want to influence and lead. No, having good communication skills will help you in all fields of life, including being a good friend, a caring parent, and a loving husband or wife.

If you are interested in learning how to improve communication skills at work and life in general, then focus on these nine tips laid below.


How to Accept Yourself – Your 6 Must-Know Rules

Let’s start off with a little experiment. Please close your eyes and think of a really sad moment from your past. Spend half a minute thinking about it. Now give what you are feeling a name.

Then think of an amazing moment from your past. Spend half a minute on it. Once you are done, give what you are feeling a name.

How did you feel when you thought of something sad? How did you feel when you thought of something amazing? Well, if you are like most people, then you probably didn’t enjoy the first part of the experiment at all. The second part, on the other hand, was great. The point of this experiment is to show you that whatever we focus on, we feel. We feel things, and then we name them. We do this all the time.


How to Be True to Yourself When It’s so Damn Hard

I will be honest with you, being true to yourself is not always an easy task. As a matter of fact, I think that being true to yourself today is harder than it has ever been. And the reason for that is the internet.

The internet, like it or not, has made all of us public figures to a certain extent. We have social network profiles through which we receive likes, dislikes, positive and negative comments, constructive and not so constructive criticism. We are basically out there for the world to judge us.

And for some of us, constant judgment is not something we are able to handle so well. Even the toughest of us, from time to time, are negatively affected by what others think and say about us. As a result, we change from who we genuinely are into somebody whom we think others will like more.