To be totally honest with you, the last half a year has not been the easiest for me. I moved once AGAIN to a different country to which I didn’t really want to move but needed to. I once AGAIN had relationship problems, as well as health problems and, due to the pandemic, my business began to fall apart (sales have dropped tremendously). The freelance business is also at a complete halt.

However, the saddest out of them all was the insane drop in visitor traffic to my blog… yep, this very blog that you are on at the moment.

And if you have read any of my other posts about blogging, you will know that a drop in traffic can completely destroy your motivation to continue writing for the blog. Unfortunately, this time it was my turn to experience that feeling. “Damn it, this is pointless!!!!”, I kept saying to myself!

The most annoying thing about traffic declining is that you can never be sure what exactly is going on. After careful research, I came to the conclusion that I did absolutely nothing wrong. Other blogs simply overran me in my niche. This is what Google had to say about it:

“We confirm broad core updates because they typically produce some widely notable effects. Some sites may note drops or gains during them. We know those with sites that experience drops will be looking for a fix, and we want to ensure they don’t try to fix the wrong things. Moreover, there might not be anything to fix at all.”

Brilliant. Whatever.

But, as J. Cole once said:

The bad news is nothing lasts forever, The good news is nothing lasts forever.

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So I decided enough is enough. I spent too much time on my blog to give up now. Nope, not going to happen. I then proceeded to remind myself of all the reasons why I started to blog in the first place and why I need to keep it alive. Alive!

Below are my 5 main reasons why I decided not to quit in 2023. In the end, I am really glad I made this decision.

5 reasons why to start a blog

1. The people you get to know

I am pretty sure I am an introvert. This has become quite clear to me over the years as I tried to make new friends or do public speeches. The latter used to horrify me to an unbearable extent. Fortunately, I forced myself to do the unimaginable – I started to participate in public speaking classes (Toastmasters) and began to go on camera for my YouTube videos… quite unsuccessfully, but that’s not really the point.

The point is that once I started to go in front of the camera, write blog posts and started my own Facebook group about self-development and blogging, I got to know some of the most wonderful people with similar interests to mine. Most of them I have never seen in person, but we often talk through social media, and even call each other for help and advice every once in a while.

Why I Decided Not to Quit My Blog

With them, we share thoughts about relationships, blogging, business and just life in general. This is not something that I anticipated before I started my blog, but have grown to really appreciate it over the years. And this is not something I want to give up. These types of positive connections from all over the world are now something that I value greatly and want to continue to expand.

2. The transformation, the evolution!

You’ve probably heard of the fact that the best way to understand and memorize something is to try to explain it to another person. Yep, that’s another reason why I decided not to quit my blog.

Many of the articles that I write for this blog include A LOT of information that I previously was unaware of. Obviously, that means that I do a lot of research prior to writing them.

So as I create new content, I often learn something new or solidify something that I “kind of” already knew in the past. And that is truly a reason to keep doing this.

Even if you have troubles with low blog traffic and/or motivation, by creating new content regardless, you are constantly learning something new and therefore evolving yourself for the better.

Writing is another major bonus – it grows your vocabulary and the ability to form thoughts in a coherent manner.

3. Money

In the beginning, I mentioned that a significant drop in traffic can be devastating. One of the main reasons for this is that your blog’s traffic is directly linked to how much money you can make from your blog. It is especially sad if you’ve left your day job to be a full-time blogger and you fully depend on the income you earn online.

Well, despite having also lost a good amount of money, I decided not to quit because I know that this is temporary.

In the past, I have already been earning enough to live a comfortable lifestyle just from the money that my blog makes. This is something that I had to remind myself of once again.

If I made money in the past, why cannot I start making that money in the future again?

It’s just a matter of time.

matter of time

Besides, I spent years growing this blog. Abandoning it now just because I make less money temporarily doesn’t really make much sense.

4. Meaning in life

Another reason why to start a blog is the meaning and value that it can bring.

I remember the “why” I started blogging in the first place. It wasn’t about money or fame of some sort. It was about helping others through the content I created.

I’ve written before how there was a really dark time for me when it felt like I was in a hole under the ground. Later, I miraculously managed to pull myself out of that hole, and that is exactly what I wanted to do for others. I wanted to pull those in need out of their hole. I wanted to give back to society, as silly as it may sound. And that has always been the mission of this blog, the “why”, the reason for its existence. I needed to remind myself of that as well.

Furthermore, blogging is what makes me happy. Not only do I learn new things when creating content, but I also enjoy writing. It’s a hobby of mine, like going to the gym every day. When I do these two things, I am in my own happy place where nothing disturbs me.

It’s my meditation.

5. Hope and the future

Finally, the last reason why I decided not to quit my blog is the hope for a better future.

I know that blogging sooner or later will take off for me again. All I need to do is be patient. And when it does take off and all of the previous points to not quit start making sense as they used to in the past, I know that I will be able to be a full-time blogger once again.

5 Reasons Why I Decided Not to Quit My Blog 2

Being your own boss through your blog is certainly possible. Not only there are tens of thousands of bloggers being their own bosses right at this moment (just Google it), but I have also validated this idea personally in the past. So why should that validation be suddenly thrown away?

It shouldn’t.

If I’ve done it in the past, I can do it in the future. Patience is the key.


So, this was it. Hopefully, if you find yourself in the same situation as I was, this post could change your mind and push you to keep working even harder. Because remember:

Most people give up just when they’re about to achieve success. They quit on the one yard line. They give up at the last minute of the game one foot from a winning touchdown. – Ross Perot

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