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Overcome the Midlife Crisis: 11 Insanely Practical Tips

If you are in the fifth decade of your life and you can’t wrap your head around the sheer number of answerless questions –

If you have a feeling that you could have done a lot better with your spouse and your children (or, even worse, if you feel regrets over not having them) –

If you have a sudden urge to buy yourself a new car and an uncontrollable impulse to build yourself a smashing body (that’s not the gym, by the way) –

If you find yourself suddenly remorseful over your past life and much too aware of your own imminent mortality –


Don’t Wait! 5 Real Ways to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

Many of the topics and problems that I discuss on this blog are not a 100% familiar to me, which is why I often have to do a lot of research. But not today. The topic that I want to tackle this time – “how to overcome the fear of public speaking” – is as close to me as it can get.

Being afraid to speak in front of a crowd used to be one of my biggest fears. It accumulated over the course of my whole life, until it grew to the point in which I was no longer able to comprehend the idea of opening my mouth in front of a crowd without sweating profusely. The anxiety became unbearable.


How Adopting a Rescue Cat Brought Happiness into My Life

After years of sadness and inner pain, I’ve overcome my crippling depression and am living a joy-filled life again.  The biggest catalyst for my full recovery was a black cat named Sulu.

I had suffered from clinical depression for years. Anyone who has been stuck in that dark hole knows how debilitating this illness is; unable to enjoy life, to join social events (even something like birthday parties and Valentine’s Day was depressing for me), to hold positive thoughts in your mind, to concentrate, to look towards the future, to rally the energy to do anything worthwhile. Inner pain slices like a knife at your guts,  a heavy blanket smothers your efforts, and the real world passes by as if viewed through the dirt-smudged window of a train.


How to Be More Creative in Life: Follow These Steps to Improve

When we think of creativity, we mostly think about art and music, as these are the most obvious fields of life in which creativity plays a significant role. However, if you dig a bit deeper, you will come to the realization that creativity is actually everywhere. If not every field of life should use it, then every field definitely could use it.

By being more creative, you can make any dull activity – fun, a difficult period in life – easy, a mundane task – exciting, and a gray relationship – colorful again. Please find below the things you can do in order to learn how to be more creative in life.


5 Tips on How to Solve Problems in Life Effectively

Life and problems are two inseparable things. If you live, you will experience problems, whether you like it or not. As a matter of fact, the more active you are and the more vivid your life is, the more problems you will have. They simply come with the package.

But because life can sometimes be very confusing, difficult and even devastating, it is extremely important that we learn how to cope with it correctly. Below you will find five tips on how to solve problems in life effectively and with the least amount of consequences to your mental well-being.