Tag: Positive thinking (page 4 of 8)

How to Raise Self-Esteem: 5 Crucial Steps to Take

I think every single person on this planet has experienced low self-esteem at least once in their lifetime. Usually, it is not dangerous and is easily overcome. However, those of us that are a little less fortunate, need to deal with low self-esteem on daily basis, which inevitably becomes a heavy burden leading to problems in all areas of life.

If you see that low self-esteem has become a serious issue for you, it’s time to change. Below, you will find the five things you can do in order to raise self-esteem and to improve the overall quality of life.


Attitude Is Everything – Change It to Change Your Life

We all have things we want to accomplish in life. We create goals, and then we work hard to make them happen. At first, full of enthusiasm, it seems as if nothing can stop us. But as time passes, we begin to face difficulties, we make mistakes, become exhausted and eventually give up. Something is wrong, something is missing. What is it?

Being motivated and setting goals are both necessary ingredients for success, but I have come to the realization that those don’t lie at the core of self-actualization. Instead, it is the attitude from which all must begin. Attitude is everything.

Without the right attitude set in place, everything else is easily shattered. It is like having a house built with no foundation. As soon as the rain starts pouring, the house falls apart. As soon as the first problems come around, we get discouraged and quit.


Top 10 Self-Development YouTube Channels for Motivation and Success

YouTube has been one of the biggest sources of inspiration for me. Because it has helped me in so many ways to grow up and become better, I would like to give back and share with you the YouTube channels that I personally watch.

If you know a channel that you feel belongs to this list, please make sure you share it with us all in the comment section below. Thank you.


How to Overcome the Fear of Failure Once and for All

Fear is something that is deeply integrated into us and something that we need in order to stay alive. Fear is what kept our ancestors from dying out by not allowing them to play around with lions or jumping off a cliff. However, because fear is not a choice, it often works against us, especially in the world we live in today.

Please read on to better understand how to overcome the fear of failure in everyday life.


How to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable – You Have No Choice

How to get comfortable being uncomfortable? For some people, being uncomfortable is a major obstacle in life. It prevents them from ever taking that very first step. Others prefer to think that only they feel uncomfortable, and that it doesn’t concern those people that are already highly successful.

Of course, nothing can be further from the truth. Being uncomfortable when taking on new challenges is a feeling that absolutely everyone has. However, what differs certain individuals from the rest is that they don’t allow their fears to control their life. They’ve learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable.