How to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable – You Have No Choice

How to get comfortable being uncomfortable? For some people, being uncomfortable is a major obstacle in life. It prevents them from ever taking that very first step. Others prefer to think that only they feel uncomfortable, and that it doesn’t concern those people that are already highly successful.

Of course, nothing can be further from the truth. Being uncomfortable when taking on new challenges is a feeling that absolutely everyone has. However, what differs certain individuals from the rest is that they don’t allow their fears to control their life. They’ve learned to be comfortable being uncomfortable.

So what can we do to help ourselves?

Surround yourself with the right people

If you want to learn how to get comfortable being uncomfortable, one of the very first things that you should do is to surround yourself with the right kind of people. These people must motivate you, inspire you, give you hope and the understanding that you too can achieve your goals if you try hard enough.

It’s very important to understand that every single successful person on this planet also has fear. Just like me and you, they were afraid, are afraid and will be afraid of taking risks. Fear is natural and a part of life. It’s that simple.

That being said, you should also get rid of toxic people, the people that are pulling you down. Remember, non-achievers love to be around non-achievers because it helps justify their inability to take action in life. Which is why if they see you taking a step forward, they will always try to pull you back.

Surround yourself with people that never stand still. Preferably, they should be doing already what you want to be doing and they should be ahead of you. They will inspire you with what they have accomplished, and you can learn from them.

I also recommend that you join a mastermind group. A mastermind group can be your support structure and a place where group members share their experiences with each other. I am a part of one, and it has helped me tremendously.

But if you want to take it one step further, you can even hire a personal coach. This is the most efficient way to make progress fast.

Feed your brain with motivation

The second tip in understanding how to get comfortable being uncomfortable is to feed your brain with motivation.

Just like it is important to have the right type of people around you, it’s important to continuously feed your brain with motivation.

Read and listen to audio books. Watch lectures, seminars, documentaries, TED talks, and even inspirational movies. Do whatever you can to feed your brain with the right type of information. Do it daily.

By constantly reading, listening and learning, you are planting a seed of success in your mind. Slowly but surely, the fact that everything is possible through hard work will become obvious to you. You won’t even notice how the desire to achieve will become stronger than your fears.

How to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable 2

If you truly want to learn how to get comfortable being uncomfortable, then it is absolutely necessary that you feed your brain with motivational content. I say this from experience. Unfortunately, I never was lucky enough to be raised in a family full of inspiration and optimism. In fact, it was always very much the opposite of that. For this very reason, I had to work very hard to rewire my brain into believing that rich people are not jerks, that you don’t have to be born into a family of millionaires to become one, that we are the masters of our destiny and that happiness is a choice.

Every day I read and listen to books related in some way to self-development, and I always will. Just like we need food to stay alive, we must consume the right type of information to keep moving forward in life.

“It will get better”

No matter how difficult something may seem at first, it will always get better.

Whenever you start something new and different, whether it concerns a hobby, your education or starting a business, it will always feel scary at first. That is completely normal and the way everyone feels.

However, what many people fail to understand is that this feeling won’t last forever. As soon as you have left your comfort zone and taken action, your fear will begin to fade away. The more you keep doing what you wanted to do, the easier it will get. You will become used to it, just like you have gotten used to going to school, seeing your partner, driving a car, being in the army, etc.

I understand that being uncomfortable sucks, but always keep in mind that it will get better with time. As soon as you face a challenge and overcome it, you raise the bar of what it means to live comfortably.

When struggling with how to get comfortable being uncomfortable, just say out loud:

It will get better, it always does.

Set goals to measure your success

It’s also very important to set goals. Your goals are a way for you to measure your success, but they are also your accountability partner. They pat you on the shoulder when you are doing well, and they give you a little kick on the butt whenever you are falling behind.

Doing things that are uncomfortable requires a lot of motivation, which is not always easy to find. To help me overcome this, I return to my goals. By looking at them and seeing what I have already accomplished, it becomes clear that I am not standing still, which always encourages me to work even harder.

Other than having yearly, monthly and even weekly goals, try to write down a few goals for each day. This way, instead of focusing on your fear and on all the thousand different ways in which you can fail, you will be occupied by your goals. When you are busy at work, you have no time to worry.

Remember to take a day off

It’s also important that you don’t burn out. What I mean here is that you must take a day off every once in a while.

When I first started working on making my goals a reality, I took no time off at all. Every single day of the week I worked very hard without ever having a break. Soon enough, I burnt out.

I began to make silly mistakes, was lacking sleep and I could not find any motivation to keep going. I thought it was the end of it. Fortunately, after having had a month-long break, I was able to continue my work.

I realized what my problem was. I knew I could have avoided it if only I had given myself some time to rest.

Remind yourself of the big “WHY?”

Finally, when understanding how to get comfortable being uncomfortable, remind yourself of the big “WHY?”. WHY am I trying to accomplish my goals? WHY are they important to me? WHY am I after them?

Whenever we do something challenging, we have our reasons for it. Otherwise, we wouldn’t be doing it in the first place, right?

However, what happens is that often our fears and all of the time spent working on something prevent us from seeing why we took action in the first place. We forget.

To overcome come that, all you have to do is to every once in a while remind yourself of the vision. If you started a business, why did you start it? If you went traveling for a year all over the world, why did you do it? If you changed your school, why and what was wrong with the previous one?

Answering these questions will put aside fear and will remind you why you are putting so much time and effort into changing your life.

Are you feeling a bit more confident now? The bottom line is that there is no other way around if you want to change your life. You have no choice other than to learn how to get comfortable being uncomfortable. But the good news is that if you do take that first step, all of the other steps will be a lot easier to make.

Don’t let fear dictate your life.

Thank you for stopping by and good luck!

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  1. I need to make myself stop fearing what I need to do and just go for it no matter how uncomfortable it can be. Thank you for this.

  2. Julie Ventura Plagens

    May 7, 2018 at 00:31

    This really helped me. I have to keep reminding myself of why I started blogging. It is to write a book.

  3. Nadj Villaver

    May 7, 2018 at 03:54

    Very inspiring to read especially if you’re going through something. I appreciate your positivity. Keep it up!

  4. John Dale Obedoza

    May 7, 2018 at 04:35

    Life begins at the end of your comfort zone. YOLOing makes perfect sense.

  5. Chef Mireille

    May 7, 2018 at 08:14

    being uncomfortable isn’t easy but without risk there is no reward. Overcoming fear is the biggest obstacle but you just have to bite the bullet and go for it

  6. Sondra Barker

    May 7, 2018 at 10:55

    It’ll all be worth it in the end if you just go for it! 😉

    xo, Sondra

  7. Andrea Broom

    May 7, 2018 at 14:42

    i started listening to a podcast and one of the big things that it says is to work on getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. when you are in your comofort zone you dont get as much out of life, life happens when you leave that comfort zone.

  8. Beautiful pictures. Nice quotes to better understand on getting comfortable with the uncomfortable. Will wait for more 🙂

  9. Wander with Ola

    May 7, 2018 at 19:04

    This is an interesting post. I agree that we should surround ourselves with the right kind of people. 🙂

  10. Sarah Bernock

    May 8, 2018 at 02:51

    So many great points! Allowing ourselves to be uncomfortable for a time as we learn new things is so important to achieving our goals!

  11. Motivation and Support!! Don’t forget those people who can pick you up on those low days! When I was younger I think I was all motivation and hid from people when I wasn’t “up”… but good for you to rewiring your brain – that takes a TON of work!! Good luck!!

  12. Mary Jingjing Mortos Lopez

    May 8, 2018 at 09:16

    I agree good words of encouragement! I love the positivity you incorporated in this post!

  13. Berlin Domingo

    May 8, 2018 at 14:07

    Sometimes I feel uncomfortable with the things I have and seeing your post makes me feel better. I agree on your thoughts especially the ” it will get better”.

  14. Rachel Stone

    May 8, 2018 at 17:36

    Such a positive an inspirational post! Thank you for making me think and be more compassionate to myself!

  15. I agree setting goals helps a lot! Each little success makes me want to keep going.

  16. Jesusa Gilliam

    May 9, 2018 at 07:55

    Great points! its good to uncomfortable sometimes, it will only make you stronger and eventually you will get comfortable with it.

  17. Algene Cutamora

    May 9, 2018 at 20:33

    I’m so glad I came across this article today. This is such a great read. I’ve learned something 🙂

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